Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Don't lose your flavor

It is another wonderful day to be alive. Don't take any day for granted. Get in The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

In today's Gospel(Mark 9:41-50) , Jesus has some pretty intense things to say about sin. He is telling us not to sin and to avoid the temptation to sin. He seems to be over exaggerating to make His point, but even if he weren't, he would still be making complete sense!

One of the very worst things we can do is cause one of His children, who believes, to sin. He is telling us that it is like death and we should basically drown ourselves. That death is nothing compared to the punishment we will face at the final judgement!

He then tells us if our hand causes us to sin we should cut it off! Again, I believe that Jesus is over exaggerating to make a point, however, sin separates us from God and wouldn't we be far better off without a hand than separated from Him? The same goes when he says if our foot causes us to sin we should cut it off and if our eyes cause us to sin we should pluck them out.

Being thrown Gehenna is far worse than than entering God's Kingdom with both eyes, hands and feet!

Jesus ends today's Gospel telling us to have salt in us. Salt was used as a means to purify and preserve food while also giving it some flavor. We are called to be salt in this world. We must remain pure and bring Christ to others.

You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. ~ Matthew 5:13 (NABRE)

I pray every day for Christ to create a clean and pure heart in me, I don't ever want to lose my flavor!

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