Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Testing Faith

READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings for today!

Gosh I dislike saying that I don't like a passage of scripture, but man do I struggle with this one!

Our Gospel is found in Mark 7:24-30. I don't like this passage because it feels like Jesus is putting off or ignoring a woman desperate for His help. Part of what makes this feel even ickier to me is that the woman is a Gentile and not one of the "Chosen" people. Then, to top it off, he compares her to a dog!?

Was Jesus just testing this woman's faith? That is the best I can come up with, because this is not characteristic of Him. I know the dog reference would have been one understood in it's time, but I still don't like it.

Through this, the woman did not lose faith. Even though it appeared she was being put off and not heard, she persisted.

Do you persist when you feel like you aren't being seen or heard? Do you lose faith because Jesus doesn't answer right away or doesn't answer as you expect Him to?

This woman's love for her child and faith that Jesus could heal her child brought about true and everlasting healing! This woman was rewarded and honored for her faith. Jesus will not turn away those who earnestly seek him, so keep seeking, even if you feel like he doesn't hear you.

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