Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Tradition, Laws and the Heart

Great day to you! I pray your week got started strong and you are ready to continue into today. Be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today.

Do you even know why you are doing what you are doing sometimes? Have you ever found yourself doing something out of habit or tradition, but somewhere along the way your forgot the importance or the reason for it?

In our Gospel (Mark 7:1-13) we see a little bit of this taking place. It was customary for the Pharisees (and all Jews) to follow the tradition of their elders and wash their hands before eating, and if they had been out first, there was an entire purification process they had to go through. I am not suggesting that washing your hands before eating is wrong and we shouldn't do it, but why were they doing it? This wasn't about germs anymore.

The Pharisees observed Jesus disciples not keeping with this tradition. They were more concerned with their tradition and man made laws that they missed the whole point of their religion!

The Pharisees were really good about keeping rules that they could check off, but when it came to the real laws of God and the heart of what God wants for His people, they missed the mark completely.

Jesus pushed them and pointed out their hypocrisy. How can you claim to love and honor God because you washed your hands before you ate, yet, you don't honor your mother and father?

We have traditions in the church and they are important for various reasons, but if they take you away from the heart of God's law and commands, they need to be carefully considered.

I saw people who would tithe to their church without even thinking twice, yet when it came time to take care of or assist a family member, they wouldn't even consider it. I see others who would tithe because they were "suppose" to, yet, didn't demonstrate a love for God in their lives at all.

There is a fine line between following tradition and legalism. Ultimately, everything comes down to God's law, His intent of the law, and your heart toward it!

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