Thursday, February 2, 2017

Seek and be receptive to receiving

Great day to you! Let's crush a Thursday by getting into the Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

The Gospel today is a nice chunk of scripture from Luke (2:22-40). We see the obedience of Mary and Joseph taking their new baby, Jesus, to the temple for the purification process according to the law of Moses. While at the temple they meet Simeon who has been waiting to see the Messiah. He had been told he would not die until he had seen the Christ of the Lord.

When Simeon saw Mary, Joseph and Jesus, the Spirit revealed to Him that Jesus was the Christ. The spirit made known to him that he had seen the God's salvation.

I think it is so cool that scripture tells us that Joseph and Mary were "amazed" by what Simeon was saying. I feel like at this point in their lives, nothing would amaze them. Mary was a Virgin who gave birth for goodness sake!

Simeon prophesied that Mary would experience joy and heartache. Her joy would overshadow her sadness because of the hope that only comes from Jesus. God gives a crazy and supernatural Joy to those who put their faith, hope and love in Him. A Joy that can't be taken away by anyone or any circumstance. It is a Joy in the hope of what is to come beyond this earthly life.

My biggest take aways from this passage today are:

1. The Spirit reveals Jesus to those who are seeking Him and receptive to accepting Him.
2. Even the pain and sorrow of Jesus death can't take away the Joy we have from God.

Seek Him, be receptive to Him and receive Him!

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