Thursday, February 16, 2017

What dat?

Take a few moments to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today.

Our Gospel today (Mark 8:27-33) has 2 different focuses.

  1. Who is Jesus?
  2. What is His mission?
Jesus ask the apostles who they say He is. We know others saw Him as a prophet or even John the Baptist or Elijah come back from the dead! But, who did the apostles say He is, who do YOU say He is? 

God revealed to Peter that Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah the Anointed One! Yes, they saw miraculous things, but John and Elijah did amazing things as well. God had to reveal Jesus to them. He will reveal Jesus to you too if you seek to know Him!

Once the apostles knew and understood who Jesus was, it was time for them to learn what His mission was. Jesus told them all the awful things He must go through up to His death and then glorious resurrection, but they didn't want to hear or understand it! Peter even tried to rebuke Him because He didn't understand that this was the will of God. 

There will be times of suffering and many challenges we will face in this life, but our time on Earth is temporary and any suffering in Jesus name will be worth the eternal rewards we will receive. If we want to truly follow Christ we will have to submit to God's will, all of it, not just the stuff we like! Jesus didn't want to suffer, be humiliated and die the most painful of deaths, but He knew it was God's will and God's will and plans are bigger than anything we can see or understand. 

Continue to seek Jesus, find and know Him! Submit to God and know that our eternal reward is worth any temporary suffering and pain on Earth.

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