Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Healing Touch

Happy Tuesday! Make time to spend in The Word today. Start by READING and/or LISTENING to our mass readings.

Our Gospel today (Mark 5:21-43) is all about healing. Jesus heals, plain and simple. He heals those to seek him with an expectant faith.

The Gospel shows us Jesus miraculous healing power, and more specifically the healing of His touch. First we encounter Jarius, a synagogue official with a sick daughter. He begs Jesus to go to his home to lay hands on his daughter. Jarius knew that Jesus could heal her!

Then we see Jesus walking through the thick crowds and a woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years knew that if she could just get close enough to touch Jesus she would be healed! She fought her way through the crowds and was immediately healed upon touching Jesus clothes.

Jesus knew he had been touched because he could physically feel the power flowing out of him. He saw and felt this woman's complete and expectant faith.

Then, we go back to the synagogue official who gets word that his daughter has died and to not "bother" Jesus any longer. Jesus tells the official to not be afraid but have faith and then He went to the man's home.

Be honest here. How much faith would you have at this point? I would be hurt, disappointed and maybe even angry. I would have felt like Jesus didn't care. I was witnessing miraculous healing before my eyes but would have probably been swept up in my own sorrow and pity. I would have probably said, it's too late, forget about it!

Jarius, however, didn't lose faith or hope in Jesus and His power to heal. Jesus goes into the home, takes the child by the hand and tells her to arise! At His touch and Words she arose immediately.

Jesus gives hope to the hopeless. He can give us hope in the most dire situation. This hope is not of this world! It is a supernatural hope.

We must go to Jesus unhindered by fear and doubt and allow Him to heal. He will heal us! His healing may not be in the ways we expect or want, but we will ultimately be healed! Go to him with great expectation and anticipation of miracles. Get close enough to Him to feel His healing touch on your life!

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