Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Plant Those Seeds

I pray you are getting in the habit do reading our daily readings and doing some meditating on God's word each day! If you haven't yet today, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to the Mass readings.

Today's Gospel is so short and so POWERFUL! Jesus tells us a little about what the Kingdom of God is like. The first comparison is to a mustard seed and the second is to yeast. Both comparisons take something so small that turn into something huge!

That tiny little mustard seed grew into a tree large enough for the birds to nest in because someone took the time to plant it! Do we take the time to talk to others, do we take time to show love? A seemingly small act in a seemingly small instance has the power! A tiny seed that is planted turns into a huge tree! Just imagine what the word of God shared with your children could turn into?

The second might be one of my favorite examples, and that is the yeast used in making bread. It doesn't take much yeast to be added to the dough to make it totally transform!

When we receive the holy spirit in us, it is like that yeast being added to the dough. We start off shapeless and formless, and then when the Holy Spirit enters us, change begins to happen and we become a totally new substance! We become changed from the inside out!

We don't have to start off as much, we don't have to start big, for big things to grow from us and an amazing transformation to happen in us!

Like the seed, when it is planted it can turn into something great, and like the yeast being added to the dough, we can become totally new!

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