Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Key to Knowledge

I pray your week is going well! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings for today.

I am going to be totally honest this morning, since it's my blog, so I can :-)

I am struggling with my thoughts for today's Gospel, there is just so much in here. The part that is jumping out at me and the small part I want to really focus on this morning and throughout my day is Luke 11:52.

"Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away the key of knowledge. You yourselves did not enter and you stopped those trying to enter."

We are reminded in our reading that in the old testament God sent the prophets to bring the people the Word of God along with His warnings and in the new testament we are given Jesus. Jesus is our key to knowledge. He is the one that can open our hearts and minds to what God wants to reveal to us. When we keep Jesus out of our lives we are keeping true wisdom and knowledge out. When we are keeping Jesus from others, we are keeping them from His knowledge.

The prophets interpreted God's Word for the people the way the Scribes were suppose to. By the scribes shutting Jesus out and not truly hearing God, they were giving misinterpretations of the law and leading the people astray!

I am thankful for a church that helps me interpret the readings, but am also thankful to have the Holy Spirit guide me so that man is not the only place I gain my insight.

Humble yourself before God. Allow Him to speak to you and breath truth into you. Allow Him to open your eyes, ears, mind and heart to true knowledge!

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