Monday, October 31, 2016

Who do you invite to your Table?

Happy Monday and welcome to a new day and a new week! Be sure to kick it off the right way by READING and/or LISTENING to our readings for today!

In our Gospel today, Jesus is giving a a lesson that has us really looking into our hearts and how we treat people.

He was invited by a leading Pharisee to dinner. While at dinner he tells the host and guests that when they have a banquet they should not just be inviting family and friends with the means to repay the invitation. He tells them that they should host people that would NEVER be able to repay such a gift. They should be inviting the lame, sick and poor.

Jesus isn't saying we shouldn't ever do nice things for family and friends, but he wants to challenge our thinking and our motives. He wants us to be generous! It is so easy to be nice to and caring toward those who are nice and caring toward us, isn't it? It's easy to lend a hand to someone who you know is able to lend a hand when you need it!

Jesus wants us to reach out to those who could do nothing for us in return. He wants us to demonstrate kindness, compassion and mercy. In doing so, we are being the hands and feet of Jesus! In doing so, we are able to bring light into a dark world! In doing so, we are being obedient!

Jesus also reminds us that we will receive our reward, not from those we are helping, but from the Heavenly Father! Our reward for self sacrifice will come and we will see it at the resurrection!

Especially during this season, look for those you can reach out to! Look for those who you can show kindness and mercy toward and those you can have to your table!

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