Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Clean it Up!

Have you checked out the daily readings yet today? If not, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to them!

Jesus was invited to have dinner at the home of a Pharisee. Jesus did not observe the prescribed ritual washing before eating. He knew what the Pharisee was thinking and what was in his heart.

This Gospel gives us an amazing object lesson. Jesus teachers that even thought the Pharisees clean their hands, they ultimately aren’t “clean.” Jesus gives us an example of a cup. Just because we clean the outside of the cup, if we don’t do anything with the inside, the cup is dirty.

Jesus is demonstrating that the inside is more important than the outside. The Pharisees were more concerned with looking good and following their rules than truly understanding the rules and why they are there. 

I have come across far too many people in my life that appear like they would be great people to be around, but I was so wrong. They looked the part and even talked the part, but when it came down to their heart and walking the walk, they were hypocrites. They lacked caring and compassion. They gossiped and spoke ill of others. They were more worried about looking good than truly being good. 

Jesus tells us that when we are clean on the inside, when we allow God to create a pure heart in us, we are clean. 

I love the last lesson Jesus sneaks in on us. I had never noticed it before, but, as is true with all things Jesus, it’s brilliant! He teaches that by giving alms we can be wiped clean. Jesus is telling us that what we do outwardly can effect us internally! I have seen this so clearly through my journey to better overall health. The more I excise and eat right, the better I feel and the healthier I am inside. The same is true in reverse. The more I eat and drink and don’t exercise, the worse I feel emotionally and the worse my insides become.

When we are giving thanks, when we are taking care of others, when we are showing the love of Jesus and act as His hands and feet, we are cleansing our heart, body and soul!

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