Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Harvest is coming

Who is ready for a great day? Be sure to start if off right and READ and/or LISTEN to our reading for the day!

In our Gospel today Jesus sends out 72 men to bring His message to the world. He sends them out in pairs with no money in their pockets or anything else but the clothes on their back. He sent them like "lambs among wolves."

Jesus doesn't want them bringing anything with them, he wants them totally free of distractions and wants them to fully rely on Him and His strength. He wants them to go out and share his word like seeds being planted in the harvest. Their job is to plant the word, it is not up to them to make it grow. It isn't up to them when it will grow, they are just planting.

Jesus is the Master of the Harvest and we are His laborers. We must go out and sacrificially give! We must not allow the distractions of the world hinder us. We must free ourselves from possessions and "stuff" and allow God to provide for our needs. We must selflessly serve others! We must share and plant God's word wherever we go. We must bring His peace to those who are willing to listen.

Are you ready to one of His laborers? The harvest is coming!

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