Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Do you "Know Better?"

Let's get over the Wednesday hump by getting into the Word. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today!

Jesus doesn't pull any punches today, he jumps right into our Gospel. He starts us off with the idea that if we knew a thief was coming to our house, we would be ready for him, right? He is talking to us about being prepared.

We don't have any idea when Jesus will be coming back to us, so we must ALWAYS remain prepared! Jesus further explains using an example of a master and his steward. It's easy to look good and do the right thing when you know you are being watched, or you know when the master will be home. If the steward doesn't know when he will arrive, he needs to be always doing what is right or face the consequences.

To round out His teaching, he warns us of the difference about knowing what we are suppose to do and not doing it. He gives an example of a steward who knows his master will be home late. Instead of continuing to do his job with integrity, he eats, drinks and beats the servants. He knew what his masters will of him was, he knew his job and he chose to disobey. Jesus makes the distinction that this steward will be treated more harshly with more severe consequences than one who acts in a similar manner but doesn't know his masters will.

On the simplest of levels we see this in children. When you have one child who is older and knows what to do an not do, he/she will get reprimanded for actions that a younger child might not. The older child "knows better."

As children of God, we know better. We know how we are suppose to act and we know we must obey. We can't just go about living our life carelessly without thought to His will, just waiting for when we think he is coming back to claim His people!

We must treat every day like it is our last. We must treat every moment as though it is the moment Jesus is coming. We need to always be obedient, not just when we think He is watching. It may feel like there is a lot required of us, but man oh man will so much be given!

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