Monday, October 3, 2016

Do you cross to the other side of the street?

Happy Monday! What better way to get the week started than in the Word of God. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings!

Today's Gospel shares the Parable of the Good Samaritan. First we are reminded

“You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your being,
with all your strength,
and with all your mind,
and your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus then tells us who our neighbor is by sharing the parable of the Good Samaritan. 

This parable is hard to listen to in the beginning. We see 2 men walk right past someone suffering, the first a priest and the second a Levite. When the Samaritan comes by we read he has compassion for the suffering man. He next helps dress and take care of the mans wounds, then he uses his own beast to give the man a ride to an inn where he can better be taken care of. The Samaritan didn't stop there! He paid the inn keeper to keep an eye on and take care of the man while he was gone promising to pay any additional costs when he returns. 

This is an amazing story of Mercy, Grace, Love and Compassion! Jesus is stretching our notion of who our neighbor it is to ALL people. In this story, it is easy to get frustrated with the priest and Levite who kept on walking, but how many times do we do that when we see someone suffering? I have literally walked to the opposite side of the street before the same way the priest did! I have done so out of fear. I have ignored people needing my help because I feared them or the area I was in. I feared what could stopping potentially cost me, but now I must ask, what will NOT stopping cost?

Jesus was specific in telling us the 3 people were a Priest, Levite and Samaritan. Why would a priest keep walking? Many of the religious leaders at the time were hypocritical and followed the letter of the law over the spirit of the law. The law would have prohibited the priest and Levite from helping because it would have made him unclean! Talk about legalism at it's worst! Rather than risk being unclean, the priest crosses the street. The Levite starts to go to the victim, but then continues on his way as well.

Samaritans were considered dirt. In this story, normally the Priest and Levite would have been considered heroes and the Samaritan the Bad guy, but Jesus flips the script. He shows that mercy and compassion win! He is showing us we need to not just offer prayer as we walk past, but we must stop and give actual help. 

I think about all those charities in third world countries. Yes, prayer is so important, but without sending funds, the real work can't happen. If basic needs aren't met, how can anyone truly know Jesus? If we want to share Jesus with others, we can't "just" be praying and talking about him, we must show who He is in our actions. We must take care of the sick and hurting. We must look at others with the eyes of Jesus, with compassion, mercy, love and grace! We must truly be Jesus hands and feet here on earth.

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