Monday, October 24, 2016

Freedom from Bondage

Happy Monday! I LOVE Monday's. I love the chance for a fresh start and a new week. Yes, in Christ we can start fresh any day, but there is something about a Monday on the calendar that makes us really focus on a new day!

As we start fresh this week, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Are there areas of your life that Satan has you bound? Are you suffering physically, emotionally or spiritually? We don't understand why we suffer sometimes, but we can be assured that God can use whatever pain we are going through and turn it into something beautiful!

Jesus has the power to free us from this bondage! In our Gospel today there was a woman who had been suffering for 18 years when Jesus came and healed her! He has the power to heal and save, we must believe in that power!

The leaders at the time, who witnessed this healing right before there eyes, were not overjoyed at this miracle they saw. Instead, they questioned Jesus and threw the law at him. They reminded him that the law stated no work should be done on the Sabbath. Instead of embracing and praising Jesus and be thankful this woman was healed, their hearts are revealed. Their hypocritical nature is in full swing! We have laws for a reason, but when we become more concerned over a law than we are about people, there is a problem. Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it! There is a balance between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. Not working on the Sabbath was a way to honor God and rest. Is it very honoring to God to ignore someone's suffering?

Jesus points out to these leaders that they take care of their animals and will walk them from the barn to get water, so why should he wait to heal a woman who has been suffering for 18 years!

This Gospel has two major lessons today:
1. There can be a fine line between the letter and the spirit of the law. We must look at the heart of the law and always look to honor God and love His people. Ask Him for discernment in making choices.
2. Jesus has the power to heal, he has power over life and death! He can take any struggle, hurt or infirmity and use it to bring glory and honor to him! Go to Him! Call on Him! He will answer you.

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