Friday, October 28, 2016

What do you do before the big moments in life?

It's Friday and I think this is a fantastic Gospel to round out the week! Be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today!

I love a message that is short, sweet and straight to the point!

In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God. Luke 6:12 NABRE

Our Gospel begins with Jesus on a mountain praying all night to God. In the morning Jesus comes down the mountain and calls his disciples. 

There are several places in scripture where we see Jesus off on his own in prayer with God. We specifically see him alone praying at critical times in his ministry. 

If Jesus needs to spend the night in prayer with God before he takes big steps, how much more should we be praying? If the son of God goes to the father for discernment, clarity, and strength, how much more do we need to do that? 

I love that we don't just have scripture telling us how we should act and live. I love that we were given Jesus as a living example. Some of us are visual learners, and God has us covered with Jesus!

Are you listening and following God's call in your life? Do you ever feel like you are being called to something you aren't capable of doing? Do you feel like you aren't smart enough, strong enough or talented enough to do the things you are being called to? 

Have you ever looked at the disciples?!?!

We see Jesus come down from the mountain he call very ordinary men to change the course of human history! They weren't great speakers, teachers or spiritual leaders! They weren't even all men of great character! 

They are, however, willing to say "yes" to the call. They are willing to put their faith, hope and trust in God and follow Jesus! God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called, right? If we ever doubt that, go back and look at the disciples. 

God wants to use you for big and mighty things. Listen to his call. If there is something he wants you to do, he will make sure you are able to do it!

As you close out this week and head into the weekend, take a good, hard look at your prayer life. Are you communicating with God regularly? Are you talking to him about the small stuff so that you are more comfortable when the big stuff comes along? 

Are you going to God and really listening to him when you have big decisions to make or new opportunities present themselves to you? 

Are you answering the calls God places on you or are you trying to hide from them?

Go to Him. Lay your cares and concerns at His feet, and stay there until you see and hear clearly what He wants you to do! Once you know your call, go after it with everything you have!

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