Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Strong Warnings

I love that each and every day can be a fresh start if we need it! If you have been struggling with anything in your life, it is NEVER too late to turn to God and give your burdens to Him. A great way to start doing that is to get in His Word! Be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to the daily Mass Readings to help get you on the right track.

God came to us in flesh through Jesus for so many reasons. The biggest, we know, is to bring us salvation. In doing that, though, He is a living example, He is our Teacher, Our Friend, but also our sign. He warns us of what is to come if we don't listen, follow and believe.

In our Gospel He is speaking to the Pharisees and warning them about cleaning up their act. Yesterday He told them to basically worry about cleaning up their heart and to focus less on the outside. They need to be more concerned with their inside than how they look.

Today, we hear more warnings! Today we hear Jesus pointing out more of the hypocritical nature of the Pharisees, but if we listen, he is speaking to each of us as well.

Sometimes it feels like Jesus is being harder on the Pharisees and Religious leaders, and I believe He is. Not only are they doing themselves a disservice, they lead others astray! They are suppose to lead people to God through his Word, but they do just the opposite!

These Pharisees and religious leaders spend too much time focusing on the wrong things and not enough on the things that matter most to God. They will take one part of the law that is seemingly insignificant when looking at the big picture and they will do EVERYTHING to keep it, even if it means not caring for people. They will be sure to pay their tithe, yet will ignore someone who is hurting and in need of real help.

I know I have done this. I have done this on the way to Church! I have passed right by someone in need because I didn't want to be late. I know I am not alone. Yes, it is important to be in church, but don't you think God would rather I be late or not there at all if it means taking care of one of his people who is hurting and in need?

Jesus makes a remark that seems strange at first. He compares these Pharisees and religious leaders to "unseen graves" that people don't realize they are walking over.

The dead were considered unclean, and if you came in contact with the dead, it would make you unclean as well. Jesus is pointing out that those that come in contact with these Pharisees and Religious leaders don't even realize they are becoming unclean. They don't even realize they are being led down the wrong path.

Today's Gospel serves as a warning to me as well! It is more than just looking at the letter of the law verses the spirit of the law. It is a warning to make sure I know my stuff! It is a reminder that people that look "good" and appear to know what they are talking about can be wrong. It is a reminder that intentionally and unintentionally, those who are in positions of power and authority get it wrong. There are many in positions of leadership out there who are misleading their flocks, and it is my responsibility to not be led astray. I need to arm myself with the Word of God and rest in His strength and not the strength of any man!

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