Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Narrow Gate

READ and/or LISTEN to our Readings today and spend a little time meditating on God's Word!

I hate the idea that many will be rejected from the Kingdom of God. I hate even more that it is a choice, yet too many will not enter! 

Salvation is a serious topic and I think too many preachers and people gloss over it. They make been sweeping statements about faith and being "saved." 

Yes, we are absolutley saved by faith. We can't "earn" our way into the Kingdom. Our salvation is a gift from a generous, compassionate and merciful God. 

I believe the danger comes in that people think they know Christ, but they are kidding themselves and others around them. There is more to faith than just knowing who He is. Shoot, Satan knows and believes he exists, but we certainly won't see him in the Kingdom! 

Jesus tells the people: 

"Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough." Luke 13:24 NABRE

Jesus continues teaching with parables. He gives us an example of a Master locking the door before a feast and people standing outside knocking, asking for the door to be opened. But the Master of the house claims to not know those on the outside, even though they said they said "we ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets." The master tells them he does not know where they are from!

Do you really know Christ? It's not enough to be a "good person" and listen to what He teaches. We must know Him intimately! We must strive to be like Him! He is the narrow gate and the only way to the kingdom is through Him. 

Knowing Him, believing in Him, following Him requires much of us. We must become living sacrifices. He must be put first in our lives before anything and anyone else. We must allow Him to totally and completely transform us and renew our mind and soul!

We must be filled with His compassion and mercy. We must be obedient to His call. We must be humble and rely on His strength and not our own. Those who try to enter the kingdom on their own strength will not be strong enough! We must be willing to pick up our cross and follow Him! 

God wants us all to sit at His banquet table, but once the door is locked, it will be too late! 

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