Friday, October 14, 2016

Fear is Powerful

Another week has flown right by! Be sure to end it on a great note by READING and/or LISTENING to our readings today.

Fear can stop us dead in our tracks. It can cripple us physically, emotionally and spiritually! Fear keeps us from doing the things God wants us to do and from living the life we are meant to.

Our Gospel today hits on Fear. Growing up I learned of this amazing and loving God, but then in the next breath was told we are to fear the Lord. What the heck? Talk about confusing a kid! The idea that we should fear God can feel a like an oxymoron and is super confusing.

A big fear that many people in this world have is death. Jesus knows this and tells us in Luke 12:4-5:

I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after can do no more. I shall show you whom to fear. Be afraid of the one who after killing has the power to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, be afraid of that one.

Only God truly has the power over life and death. It is Him who we should fear. He decides our final punishment after death. Will we suffer punishment by fire?

Fear is powerful! A Godly fear is healthy. A Godly fear helps us make the right choices and decisions.

I learned many lessons growing up from my parents. Many of them were learned the hard way! I didn't want to face the consequences of poor decisions, so I tried to make the correct ones. I feared the punishment more than doing the wrong things. I still loved my parents and they loved me, but there was an element of fear that kept me doing the right things. Now, take that small concept from youth and magnify it a bazillion times!

I do not have to fear anyone or anything on this earth, because this place is temporary. God decides what happens to me in my eternity based on the choices I make here on earth. By choosing to follow Him with my entire heart, mind and soul, I do not have to fear death (or anything, for that matter). This, my friends, is a healthy fear of God.

Before Luke ends his Gospel we are reminded that we are worth more to God than anything. "Even the hairs on our head have been counted." God knows and loves us so intimately that he can tell you how many hairs are on my head! Stop fearing the things of this world! Stop fearing the unknown. Love and honor God and have a healthy fear and reverence for Him.

Allow God's light to truly transform you. Live with a healthy fear and reverence for God and you will have nothing to fear on this earth.

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