Monday, October 10, 2016

There's Your Sign

Happy Monday and welcome to a new week! Be sure to start your week off right by READING and/or LISTENING to our daily readings.

How many times do we want a sign? We are looking for some clear indication that we are making the right decision or doing what we are suppose to be doing? Sometimes we ask for a sign from God that He is really there and that he hears our prayers. 

In Luke's Gospel, the people in the crowd listening to Jesus speak wanted a sign that he was the son of God and not of Satan. Jesus instead let’s them know that He is the sign, He is the warning and message that they will face disaster if people don't follow Him. He compares himself and His message with the one Jonah carried to the Ninevites. When Jonah went to Nineveh to bring a warning from God, the people recognized God’s warning through him and they repented. 

Jesus is hear to bring us to God. He is the way and the truth and the life and NO ONE will come to the Father, except through Him (John 14:6).

Jesus brings us to God. He is God’s messenger for us! He is the sign of our need for repentance and our way to eternal life!

The religious leaders didn’t want to listen to John the Baptist who came to pave the way for Jesus and His message. They don’t want to listen to Jesus and His message or warning about what happens to those who do not repent. He came to not only heal us, but to save us. He is here to transform us if we will only listen and accept the gift He so freely gives! He is here to wipe our slate clean and give us a fresh start!

The next time you are wanting or looking for a sign, remember that we have already been given one in Jesus. If you feel far from Him, go back to God’s Word and go spend some time in prayer. The sign is right in front of us if we are truly seeking it out!

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