Friday, October 7, 2016

Are you divided?

Wow, it's another Friday already! Heading into the weekend, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today.

I don't know if my brain is fuzzy, or if it is doing brilliant things right now! As I am reading today's gospel and trying to find a good way to make it make a little sense, I can't stop thinking about Harry Potter, but more specifically Voldemort.

In this reading, Jesus was driving out evil Spirits and was basically being accused of doing so through the power of Satan. His accusers wanted Him to prove he wasn't and asked for a sign from Heaven. It is so cool when scripture tells us that "He knew their thoughts." Jesus heard the questions and comments, but knew and understood the real thoughts and intent behind them. Think about it, have you ever said or asked someone something with an agenda in mind or with a specific intent?

Jesus talks to us about a house divided falling. If Satan is divided against himself how will his kingdom stand?

So, back to Voldemort (I am sorry if you don't know who he is or haven't seen Harry Potter). In order to try to live forever, Voldemort divided himself into 7 different pieces. Each time he divided himself, he would lose power and become weaker and weaker. This is what I picture here. If Jesus was working in Satan's name and under his power, every time he drove a demon out he would be dividing himself and become weaker and weaker until he could no longer "stand."

Jesus continues explaining how he can only be of God by giving a mini parable about a strong man and armed guards protecting a palace and it's contents. If someone stronger comes along and disarms the guards the strong man will be able to get in and do what he wants.

Jesus is stronger than Satan, he is not from Satan, so he is able to disarm Satan and do the work of The Father.

I want to briefly go back to this Voldemort analogy. When he was being divided, his soul would have to attach itself to something. Today's gospel is talking about demons possessing people and Jesus power to drive them out. These demons are roaming, looking for an "empty house" to go live in.

When we are leaving empty spaces in our lives and not filling them with the good things of God, when we are not filling them with God Himself, there is room for evil to move in. God is more powerful than anything in the Universe.

I still think this is a super tough scripture and I am doing a terrible job of explaining it with my Voldemort example, but it makes sense in my head.

Voldemort couldn't win because he continued to divide himself. He continued to attach himself to things that were weaker. The Chosen One (in the story this is Harry Potter, but if you were trying to show symbolism he would represent Jesus), who is willing to sacrifice himself so others could live, proves to be much stronger. He is able to disarm Voldemort and in the end, ultimately destroy him.

Evil can't and won't win. We already know the end of the story and we know this! You don't want to be on the side of evil! Jesus is clear "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

There is no doing this life half way. There is not "trying this Jesus stuff out." We are either all in with Him or we aren't. I am choosing to be all in. I am not leaving any empty room inside me. I want to fill it with God's Word, His Love and His Light! I want to stand with God and NEVER against him!

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