Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Are you Present?

It's a new day and as always, a great day to get into the Word! READ and/or LISTEN to today's mass readings and plant God's word deep in your heart!

I always struggle with the Mary and Martha readings. I totally identify with Martha and often feel like she is treated pretty harshly in some teachings and perspectives.

The more I read this section and the more I grow in my faith the more I am reminded of Ecclesiastes. There is a time for everything. There are times we must do busy work and serve for sure, but there are also times where we must put those things aside and simply be present.

When I had guests over I use to be very much like Martha. The problem was that I was distracting and making others around me uncomfortable because I couldn't just sit still. As people would finish eating, I was clearing. Once things were cleared I wanted to clean them and put them away. I needed a balance. I needed to be a good hostess and serve, but I needed to figure out a way to get comfortable without things being tidied up right away. I needed to consider the comfort of my guests and I needed to be more present with them.

If you find yourself anxious or worried, give it to Jesus so you can be present. He wants to take our cares and burdens from us, let him!

In this age of technology and the constant need for stimulation, we need to be extra mindful of being present with those around us. How often are you physically with one person, but texting or messaging with another? We need to be more mindful to give each other the attention that is deserved, especially when we are in each others presence.

Are you present with Jesus when He visits? When was the last time you truly sat down and had a conversation with him without doing a bunch of other things at the same time? Were you fully attentive and soaking up all He had for you to hear? I struggle with this a lot!

Work on being like Mary when you are in His presence. Give him all your cares and then all your attention!

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