Thursday, October 27, 2016

Stay the Course and Fulfill Your Purpose

It's that time of the day. If you haven't yet, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

Our Gospel today starts with Jesus being warned by the Pharisees to flee for his life because Herod wants to have him killed!

Jesus came to this Earth with a mission and a purpose! Nothing is going to stand in the way of him following that mission and call, not even threats on his life.

Jesus basically tells them to let Herod know he will continue doing what he is doing and will continue to heal those in need of healing. He is also speaking prophetically in his reply:

"Go tell that fox, 'behold, I cast out demons and I perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I accomplish my purpose." Luke 13:32 NABRE 

Jesus is hear to heal and hear to save. He knows who He is and what He needs to do. Threats on his life will not deter Him from the work he has been called to. 

I want to live a life without fear of others. I want to live a life that is true to the mission and purposes God has called me to. I pray if I am ever in a situation where I face threats of harm or doing what God wants me to do, that I whole heartedly follow God and that I remain obedient to him. 

I pray the same in situations that aren't life threatening as well! How many times do we let fear stand in the way of what we know is good and true and right? How many times do we let fear stand in the way of doing the work God has called us to do? How many time have we let fear stop us from our passions and purpose? 

I know I have far too many times. I have let fear of being rejected keep me from sharing my heart! I have let fear of failure keep me from really pushing and pursing bigger things in the business that I know God wants me in! Instead of facing those fears and continuing to do my work, I will not flee! I will stay the course until I fulfill my purpose!

No more! Today we take a stand. Today we follow Jesus lead and example! We will not be moved until our mission is complete. We will not flee because we are scared or threatened. We will rely on God and His strength, not our own! 

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10 NABRE

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