Friday, March 31, 2017

It's not time

Can you believe that it is the last day of March already? This year is flying by too fast. Take time to pause, slow down your heart and mind and allow God's Word to wash over you. READ our mass readings and spend some time reflecting on them today!

Our Gospel (John 71:1-2, 10, 25-30) is taking place at the feast of the tabernacles. Jesus knew that the people did not like his preaching and wanted Him dead, but He continued to proclaim that He is from God and that God sent Him.

Jesus doesn't back down even though He knows it is going to eventually lead to His painful death. Scripture shows that God has a plan that will not be thwarted. God kept anyone from laying a hand on Jesus during this time because "his hour had not yet come."

What keeps us from being obedient to God?

I think the first, we aren't listening to God. We aren't allowing ourselves to get quiet and get into a place where we can really hear from Him and know what He wants from us.

I believe the biggest reason, however, is that we are scared! I reality, this makes no sense at all. The safest place for us to be is in line with God's will, carrying out his plan and purpose for us, yet we balk at it!

We are fearful of how we will look to others. We are fearful of failing. Sometimes we are fearful of the time and effort His plans may take and that we will have to "miss out" on other things. Sometimes we will even fear for our safety!

Jesus met all of these things head on! He faced rejection, He was called to go places and leave His family and friends, and he was constantly being threatened physically and with prison.

He knew that God's plans were bigger and better and that His Will must be done! He put His personal fear and comfort aside.

Jesus knew full well that He was going to have to suffer an excruciatingly painful death, but He knew it was God's will and obeyed anyway. He willingly could have said no, but he didn't. He took all that pain and suffering on for you and for me!

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Who do you believe?

Good morning! Let's cut the chit chat and dive into The Word. Get to it and READ our mass readings for today.

Let's unpack our Gospel (John 5:31-47).

The people would not accept Jesus Words or His truth. They put their trust in man and not the one God sent. They just wouldn't believe, instead they wanted to imprison and kill Jesus for claiming to be of God.

Jesus was demonstrating the love He has for His Father by remaining obedient and doing His will. He wasn't looking to please anyone but God. He wasn't concerned with all the man made rules, but only those that God laid out.

The Jews were so quick to believe John's testimony, yet Jesus's has a greater one! Jesus doesn't need human testimony, He has God's! They were willing to follow Moses, but ignore who he wrote about!

Read and study all the scripture you want, if you don't believe in Jesus and put your faith and hope in Him, you will have missed the entire point. You will have missed who scripture was pointing to the entire time and you will have missed God's way to salvation.

The life isn't in the scripture itself, it is in the One who inspired it and His Son who was sent to fulfill it!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Why is it so hard to trust?

Don't just look to "get over the hump" today! Look to thrive through the day strong. Begin by READING God's Word.

Our Gospel today is John 5:17-30. It is a little longer than some, however, it is very clear. Jesus is the son of God. He is here on earth doing the will of God. Apart from God he can't do anything. Everything He does it what He sees His Father do!

God has given Jesus the power and authority to do ALL things in His name. He has the power and authority to raise the dead and give life as well as the power to exercise judgement.

In order to know God we must know Jesus. In order to honor God, we must honor Jesus. In order to truly live we must believe the Word of Jesus because it is from God.

Jesus was sent to earth in human form to bring us back to God. He came to restore what was broken in the garden. He is here as our perfect example. We don't just have God's Word, but we have Jesus, in the flesh to learn from! He is a bridge between us and God. He loves God so totally and completely that He is 100% obedient and submissive. He follows God's will out of total trust.

When was the last time you trusted God so strongly that you submitted completely to His will and were totally obedient?

I throw these words around a lot, but I know I am struggling with this during this season of my life. I know in my head that that the only way to true peace and true life is to be in total submission and obedience, but I still struggle trusting. It makes no sense since God has never lied and I can see his promises every day around me.

It's time to buck up or shut up, right? It's time to take that leap (even though it's not really a leap, right), submit, obey and live in God's will.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Do you want to be well?

Can you believe it's already Tuesday in the 4th week of Lent? Crazy, huh? If you haven't been getting into The Word daily, don't beat yourself up, just start with today! If you have been, continue on strong and READ our readings for today.

In our Gospel (John 5:1-16) we see a man who has been ill for 38 years! He is waiting by one of the large pools that it was believed could heal those who enter when it gets stirred up. When Jesus encounters the man he asks "Do you want to be well?"

I use to read this and look at the story as the man not willing to do what it takes to get well, that maybe he didn't really want to be healed. I have actually heard this used as a message to take action and step out in faith, but today I read a reflection on it that got me thinking in a whole new way, one that lines up more accurately with the scripture here. The man was paralyzed. It's not like he wasn't trying. The man had no one there to help him, yet he didn't lose hope! He remained there year after year believing he would get well.

When Jesus asked the man "Do you want to be well?" the man explained why he couldn't get into the water. Jesus then tells him "Rise up, take your mat, and walk." Dude, got right up and walked. He believed he was well right away!

Jesus spoke healing into the man and he was immediately healed!

Do you want to change? Do you truly want to be healed? Do you believe in Jesus power to heal you wholly and completely? Don't be content in your circumstances and don't lose hope, be willing to allow Christ to transform you!

Monday, March 27, 2017

Do you have an expectant hope?

Happy Monday to you! Start your week off right by READING our Mass Readings today.

Our Gospel (John 4:43-54) begins with Jesus returning to Cana in Galilee. This is where His public ministry began when he turned water into wine!

A royal official heard Jesus was there and put his pride aside and went and asked Jesus to come heal his dying son. Jesus challenged the man suggesting that unless the people see signs they will not believe, but the official remained persistent. He asked Jesus to come before his child died.

Jesus saw right into this mans heart. He knew that he had real and genuine faith. He told him to "go; your son will live."

The man didn't argue or question, he just left confident and hopeful. He was greeted by some of his slaves part way home and learned his son became well the same moment Jesus said he would!

This man approached Jesus with a humble and expectant faith. How often do you do that? I know I don't do it nearly enough. Sometimes I sincerely come to him, but not with great expectation, and not with real faith.

The royal official took Jesus word that his son would be healed. He didn't question Jesus or want more, he simply had faith and went on his way home.

I know in my head that Jesus is always there for me. I know in my head that He keeps His promises. I know in my head that nothing is impossible for Him, yet my heart fails me sometimes. I don't go to Him with the Big (or even the little) things consistently. I don't give Him the chance to prove who He is enough in my life. I don't fully and completely humble myself with the expectant hope of the royal official.

It is time to get what's in my head into my heart. It's time to fully and totally saturate myself in God's Word. It is time to bring all my stress, anxiety and fear to His feet and allow Him to work miracles in and through me!

Friday, March 24, 2017

Let's Break it Down

I can't believe it's another Friday already! Let's dig deep and dive into The Word by READING our Mass readings.

I love when Jesus lays it out for me. Parables are great, but I like when he totally cuts to the chase and tells it like it is.

In our Gospel (Mark 12:28-34), he breaks the commandments down for us. Seriously, 10 rules to live by doesn't seem so bad, but He breaks it down even further!

He is asked what the first and greatest commandment is and His answer is:

"The Lord our God is Lord alone! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these."

If we truly place God first and we truly love Him, we will obey him, making all the other commandments a moot point. If He has the first place in our heart and everything we are and do is for Him, we will be living right and naturally obeying the commandments.

Keep it simple. Scripture and God's law is not complicated, He is very clear on this. Truly and totally love God.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Don't be divided

Alright friends, it's time to get into The Word and READ our mass readings for today!

Our Gospel (Luke 11:14-23) has a lot to unpack.

Jesus was doing his thing, casting out demons and performing crazy miracles, yet the people tried to claim he was from Beelzebul or wanted him to prove who he was with a sign.

It would seem to me that plenty of signs were happening, but the people refused to see them. Their hearts were not truly open to what they were witnessing and hearing about.

It was almost easier for them to believe He was of Beelzebul than of God. If he was from God, than the Kingdom of Heaven made it's way to earth and they would never be the same again.

We have a choice to make!

Scripture is very clear, we are either with Jesus or against, we can't have it both ways.

Division leads to destruction. A kingdom divided is useless and a house divided will fall. We see this ever day! Shoot, look at our government. When we are divided, things don't get done!

I want to be on the side of Good, Right and Truth. I want to stand on the side of faith, hope, love, compassion, mercy and grace. I want to be swept up in the love, peace and protection of Christ.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Jesus and the Law, a must read today for sure! READ and meditate on our Mass readings today, it will be the best few minutes of your day!

I am a rule girl. I like to have boundaries. Having boundaries makes me feel safe, yet at the same time makes me feel free. Rules and laws help me to know my limits but allow me to live fully within them.

I didn't understand this concept until I started a journey with health and fitness. My nutrition plan had guidelines, but choices within them. The "rules" helped me know how far I could go, while the choices within the rules gave me the freedom to try things and know I would stay safe. I could eat within the guidelines and continue in the right direction.

This idea helps me make sense of today's Gospel (Matthew 5:17-19). Jesus didn't come to abolish the law, he came to fulfill it. He references the 10 Commandments and tells us that even "kinda" breaking a commandment is breaking the law. We have so much freedom within them. They keep us safe and heading in the right direction.

The law was not intended to be a burden the way some tried to make it by adding to it. It was intended to keep the people safe and show them how to live.

Too many people in this world focus on what they can't and shouldn't do opposed to what they can and should. They are the ones setting limitations, not the rules or the law.

Monday, March 20, 2017

It's time to truly Forgive

It is another great and blessed day to be alive! Dive into God's word, READ our readings today and spend a little time meditating on them.

Our Gospel (Matthew 18:21-35) is one I need to read and meditate on more often becuase it is a really tough one for me.

The parable is straight to the point and extremely clear. I find myself super annoyed with the servant who's debt was initially forgiven. He had a massive debt, one he would never be able to repay in his lifetime, yet when he begged and pleaded with the King, the King cut him a break and actually forgave him of the entire loan!

Talk about a kind, compassionate and merciful king!

I can only imagine the burden that must have been lifted from the servant. I can only imagine the gratitude and thanks he must have felt. Unfortunately, when the tables were turned and it came time for him to collect a debt (that was MUCH smaller), his heart was hard. He showed no compassion and no mercy, even though that is what he had received. He had the man thrown into prison for not being able to repay!

When word got back to the King about how the servant had acted, you can imagine how angry he was. He was shown mercy and grace, yet did not turn around and show that same mercy to others.

The gospel opened with Peter asking how many times we have to forgive someone who continues to wrong us. Should we forgive up to 7 times? To make a point, Jesus says not 7, but 77.

How dare I not show forgiveness! How dare I hold grudges against others. When I don't forgive, I am no better than the wicked servant in the Gospel. He was forgiven of much worse than what he was unwilling to forgive.

Jesus died to cover my sins. He has totally and completely forgiven me and continues to do so every single day! He shows me mercy, compassion and love, so how can I not do the same for others?

When I am struggling, I need to remember this parable and see me in the wicked servant, because that's what I am being like when I don't forgive!

Obedience is Hard!

Ah, I love Monday! It is time for a fresh start to a new week! Let's start it off the right way and dig into God's Word by READING and meditating on our mass readings today.

Our Gospel (Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24A) today is the story of how the birth of Jesus came about.

This is the ultimate story of compassion, mercy, grace, trust and obedience.

Joseph found out his betrothed was pregnant with a child that wasn't his, and instead of insisting that she be stoned, he was going to quietly divorce her and save her from shame.

Joseph was a God Fearing man, but holy smokes was he put to the test. It's easy to trust in and rely on God when things are going well, but what do you do when trials hit your life? What do you do when you have to face the hard stuff?

We already know Joseph was going to divorce Mary quietly, but then he hears from an angel of the Lord. He is about to be put to the ultimate test! Joseph puts his personal feelings, his personal safety and his wishes aside. He didn't argue, question or complain, he simply obeyed fully and completely.

Joseph may not say much in scripture, but there is so much we can learn from him.

I know I need to put my faith, hope and trust in God. I know He will hold and strengthen me when I am weak. The only way to fully live, the only way to be where God wants us is living in full obedience.

Friday, March 17, 2017

It is time to produce or get out!

Another Friday is upon us already. Be sure to slow yourself down and spend some time in God's word and Reflecting on it. READ our mass readings today as a good start!

Our Gospel today (Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46) is the parable of vineyard owner who leased his land out to tenants to work it while he is away for a while.

The land owner sends servants to collect some of the fruit from the land for him 3 different times with a terrible outcome. One was beaten, one killed and one stoned!

The land owner decided to send his son becuase surely he would be respected, right? Oh, heck no! The evil tenants saw the heir to the vineyard and figured that with him out of the way the land would be theirs.

What did the tenants really believe would happen? Did they think that killing the son would put them next in line for the inheritance? They were forgiven over and over again and given chance after chance to do the work they were suppose to, but they failed over and over.

We are tenants here on earth. This is a temporary home and we are here to work God's harvest.

God is compassionate and full of mercy and grace, but ultimately we will be judged. There will come a time when enough is enough and if we haven't learned our lesson, it will be too late! We must stop taking our chances and turn from our wicked ways NOW and repent! The hour will come and I don't want to be on the wrong side of the harvest. God will separate His people. He will take the land away from those who are not producing and give it to those who will.

We have work to do in the vineyard. We have good fruit to be producing for the Kingdom. It won't be easy and we will face trials, however, our reward is sweet! He will come back and gather us up for His own.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Don't Learn Your Lesson Too Late

It's time to get in The Word and READ our Mass readings today!

Our Gospel (Luke 16:19-31) is another tough one for me. In the past I use to read these parables and stories and thing they were so clear and obvious, but didn't see myself in them. I use to think the people in them were clearly clueless or even bad. The more I grow in my relationship with Christ, the more He continues to reveal to me about my heart. I don't think I am totally clueless or a bad person, but I have way more in common with those I read about than I wanted to realize or admit.

Today we read about a rich man who basically turns his back on Lazarus, a poor man outside his door. Lazarus was starving and covered in sores and the rich man was totally indifferent to him.

When both men die, the rich man is buried and goes to hell while Lazarus is taken up to heaven and held tightly in Abraham's bosom. The rich man is able to see Lazarus free from the torment he was facing. He was able to see Lazarus healed and comfortable. He begged for Lazarus to come down and dip his finger in cool water to place on the right man's tongue to provide some relief.

The rich man knows his family is doomed to the same fate and begs for Lazarus to go warn them. He is told that they have had all the warnings they need from Moses and the Prophets. The need to listen to them.

The rich man insists that if they were warned by someone from the dead they would believe differently, but is told that if they aren't listening to Moses and the prophets, they won't listen to someone from the dead either.

Do you see yourself in the rich man at all? If not, I urge you to dig deeper. How many times have you walked out of a fancy coffee shop or restaurant and walked right past someone begging for food? How many times do we not want to help someone out when we are all cozied up in the comfort of our home and it would be an inconvenience to leave the house? How many times to we drive right past someone who is broken down on the side of the road?

The rich man thinks that his family will change if they are warned, but haven't we all be warned over and over and over again? Didn't Jesus tell us over and over and then die and come back to continue to tell us over and over?

How we treat people matters. Our heart matters. We must learn from the past. We must learn from those who went before us! We know what the consequences of our actions are going to be, but they feel so far away that we often just don't care! We must learn our lesson before it is too late!

I like comfort, but I would much rather live in the comfort of eternity and suffer a bit here in this life than suffer the way the rich man did when he died. I would much rather sacrifice now for the greatest of rewards later!

Are you trying to store up treasure here in this life? Where is your focus and heart?

On the flip side, if you are suffering and going through trials in this life, know that you will be rewarded if you place your hope in Christ!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Obey, Sacrifice and Serve

It's already the middle of March! Stay strong and be sure to stay connected to God and remain in His Word by READING our Mass readings today.

This Gospel (Matthew 20:17-28) is almost comical to me. Jesus opens up telling His disciples that he is going to be handed over to a brutal death and then one of the mom's shows up requesting that her sons get to sit at the right and left hand of Jesus in His kingdom! WOW.

Lady, did you just hear where Jesus is going? Yup, death! Dude just shared that he will be handed over for the most painful and humiliating death and your big concern is where your son's get to be in the order of His Kingdom.

This sounds absurd, yet how often do we see this kind of thing here on earth?

The athlete in me sees this all over when it comes to sports. Parents thinking their kids are better or more deserving than others regardless of the work and effort they put in. They think their kids deserve the best positions, yet they aren't willing to work for them.

Jesus basically tells her (these are not exactly His words but what I picture)..."Seriously lady? Did you hear where I am going? Are your sons ready to really follow me? Are they ready to give up their lives for this position of honor? To truly go where I am going they need to give up everything! They need to endure pain and hardship...oh, and one other thing, it's not my call, it's my Father's"

Surprise, surprise, the other 10 heard this little request go down and were pretty darn pissed, so Jesus pulls the team in and addresses them (again, these are what I imagine Him saying)... "Look, things in the Kingdom are different then down here. In the Kingdom, the position of honor goes to those who fully submit to God's will and who serve, not are served"

Are you willing to be obedient, to sacrifice everything and to serve? We are called to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. This is what we must to in order to do that! Obey, sacrifice and serve!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Guard your Heart

It's another day and another opportunity to grow in our relationship with The King of Kings! Get yourself into His Word and check out our Mass READINGS today!

Who doesn't want to look good in front of others? I know I sure do? The question is, at what cost?

Matthew 23:1-12 talks about humility. Those who want to be seen and heard have already gotten their desire! They got what their hearts wanted!

The Scribes and Pharisees were teaching truth but not living it. They allowed their teaching and practicing of the law to become a burden and lose the intent behind the law. They made the law about the rules and not about the heart.

They started to make their teaching about them. They placed themselves up high and gave themselves importance. They wanted to look and dress "the part" but were not living out the law or living with humility.

We must guard our hearts. So often we start off with good intentions, but popularity and people looking up to us can get the better of us sometimes. Has anyone ever looked up to you and put you on a pedestal because of good work or teaching you have done? When this happens, it is easy to start making what you are doing about you. It is nice to feel respected and loved by others, and when we aren't careful, it can get in the way of our mission.

I spent time training and teaching other people to do what I do. They started to follow me on Facebook and hang onto every word I shared. They started to look up to me. It started to change me. I started to think of myself more highly than I should. I started worrying more about looking good to this group of individuals than about the work I was suppose to be doing. It didn't change what I was actually teaching, but it changed my intent and my heart. I wasn't practicing what I preached and was falling down a slippery slope. I never thought I would be like the Scribes and Pharisees we read about, but it can happen to anyone when we aren't careful and very aware of our heart!

We must guard our hearts. We must keep Jesus at the center! We must always remain humble and remember that apart from God we are nothing.  

Monday, March 13, 2017

Huge Gut Check Moment

Holy smokes! It's another Monday and another opportunity to get the week started off right! Let's set the tone for the week by diving into The Word and spending some time with Our Father today! Be sure to READ our daily readings today.

Luke 6:36-38 is exactly what I needed to hear today. I have been a super huge grump lately and need to really snap out of it. I was blessed with an amazing trip to see a friend and was away for a week. Unfortunately, the combination of sick kids, time change and crazy weather changes, I got the crud 😞

During my trip home I did a lot of reflecting on me and my attitude. It became abundantly clear that this lent I need to really work on a few things. I am a terrible gossip. I have gotten better over time, but man does it sneak up on me. The gossiping I do comes from a place of self righteousness and judgement! I find myself criticizing and talking about people that I have judged.

I also did a lot of reflecting and know that I have a lot of work to do when it comes to forgiveness. I have struggled for years forgiving certain people over certain things, and I need to figure this out. It has had a hold of my heart for WAY too long!

The worst part of all my reflecting is that I realize the person I struggle with the most when it comes to judging, talking about and not forgiving is my own husband. Don't misunderstand me, I am not talking bad about him all over the place, but I do find myself griping a little too much with my best friend as we sometimes commiserate with each other.

Sometimes we need to get hurts and frustrations off our chest, but sometimes in doing that and continuing to talk about things, it gives them just a bit too much life. By speaking them it just adds fuel to a fire that is already going a little too strong.

We serve a powerful and merciful God who doesn't mince words. He is super clear. Don't judge because how you judge, you will be judged! Forgive, for if you forgive, you will be forgiven!

We need to start showing the kind of mercy and grace that has been shown to us by The Father. We need to forgive with the kind of heart Jesus forgave. We need to start looking to Him and His sacrifice and stop being so petty over here. We need to take a good hard look at our hearts and posture ourselves so they seek Him earnestly!

Lent is the perfect time for a serious gut check! It's the perfect time to reflect on where we are totally missing the mark and drawing closer to Christ. It's the perfect time to rely on Him and His strength to help pull us through our struggles. Identifying our struggles is a great first step, but it means nothing to Him if we don't do anything about it!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Are you letting seeds of anger in?

I don't know why I am so amazed every time a Friday rolls around. It just feels like time is moving so quickly! With that being said, it's all the more reason to slow down and get into God's Word. Start by READING our mass readings for the day.

Matthew 5:20-26 is gonna burst a lot of bubbles! Many of us think that we are doing much better than we are when it comes to God and judgement, right? I mean, we didn't kill anyone and the commandment says "thou shall not kill." Jesus is telling us in this Gospel that even being angry with someone is wrong. Being angry with someone is subject to the same judgement as murdering them!

We need to stop letting sin take ahold of us. It robs us of our joy, it robs us of the kind of relationship with God that we want and puts us on the wrong side of His judgement. Anger is a seed we do NOT want planted in our life! What may start off as something super tiny and seemingly insignificant can grow out of control.

Jesus tells us if we go to make a sacrifice and remember we are angry with someone, we need to settle that before we can come before Him. We will speak and act out of what is in our heart, so we must keep it pure and from sin. We must not let even the tiniest seeds that don't belong start growing there.

Fill your heart with things of God. Fill your heart with faith, hope, love and His Truth!

Thursday, March 9, 2017


I am a little off after being away for over a week, but am back now! I am starting today in The Word and I encourage you to do the same. Be sure you READ our daily readings for today.

Our Gospel today is Matthew 7:7-12. I love the reminder that all we need to do is seek God and He will show himself to us. He isn't off hiding and only around for the big stuff! He is there ALWAYS. He wants to hear our needs, wants and desires. He wants to give us good things, but we need to ask for them!

We must go to the throne of The Father and be Bold. We must not forget that He hears the pleas and cries of His people. There is nothing too big or too small that we can't bring it to His feet!

Our Gospel closes with "The Golden Rule." We must do unto others as we would have them do unto us.

As you go forward today, really look at how you are treating others. Don't just look at the things you are doing, but also the things you aren't! Don't just examine the words you are saying, but also examine your heart and attitude toward others. I know I don't like people thinking ill of me, so I need to stop thinking ill of them!

Humble yourself before God and allow Him to work in and through you! Allow Him to truly transform you from the inside out!

Monday, March 6, 2017

We will be judged by our actions and inactions

It's another Monday and we are already solidly into the Month of March with Lent in full swing. Spend some time in The Word today by READING our mass readings.

In our Gospel (Matthew 25:31-46), Jesus talks about the final judgment. We may not like to read about or think about it, but the day of judgment is coming and we will be judged for our time here on earth. We will be separated the way shepherds separate their sheep and goats.

The righteous will be separated from the unrighteousness. The righteous will inherit the kingdom of God while the unrighteousness will be sent to "the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

We will be judged by our actions AND inactions! We will be judged by how we take care of each other and how we don't. We must treat everyone we encounter the way we would treat Jesus. If we were to walk by and see Jesus cold and hungry, I am pretty confident there is no doubt we would stop and get him warm clothes and food, right? So, why don't we treat everyone that way?

God will look right into the depths of our hearts. He will look at how we respond to His love and how we share it with others. It isn't enough to say we believe in Jesus and that we love and follow him. We must show our love for Him by how we treat His people!

During this Lenten season, really use the time as a serious gut check. If you need to make changes, make them now! The time of judgment is coming!

Friday, March 3, 2017

There is a Time for Fasting

Another Friday is upon us. Be sure you READ our readings today!

Our Gospel (Matthew 9:14-15) is another short one today, but don't think that means it is any less powerful!

We know that 3 pillars in our spiritual life are prayer, fasting and alms giving. Today Jesus teaches us a little about fasting.

John's disciples ask Jesus whey they and the Pharisees fast so much, yet His disciples do not. In this passage we learn that there is a time for everything. There is a time for fasting and a time for feasting. When Jesus is amongst them in flesh and blood, they should be celebrating and feasting, not fasting.

Lent is the perfect reminder of when and why to fast. We must humble ourselves before the cross in preparation for The Kingdom of God.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Real Power and Strength

Wow, Lent is here and upon us! Now more than ever, be sure to get in The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Luke 9:22-25 is a super short and incredibly powerful Gospel. In it we learn of the suffering Jesus must go through before He is ultimately put to the most painful and cruel death, then we hear that He will be raised up again on the 3rd day, and lastly we are told that if we want to go where He is headed, we have to pick up our own cross and follow Him there.

Whew...a loaded passage for sure!

Imagine the shock the disciples must have felt. Jesus was suppose to be the Messiah, the Chosen One. He came to save the world and he was going to be put to a humiliating death? That doesn't sound or look like power in our world but weakness.

Through the cross we see power and real strength. Think about how strong you have to be to remain silent when you are being falsely accused of crimes that will lead to your death?

To truly live we must die. We must die to self and the ways of the world. We must be obedient and submit to God and His will. We must not worry about the things of this world but look heavenward.

We are not of this world. Our time here is finite. Our reward and our real life is with Jesus in The Kingdom.