Sunday, January 29, 2017

You are never too lost to be found

Let's get this week started right in The Word of God! READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today. 

Today’s Gospel (Mark 5:1-20) is amazing. We see so much happening in the story of a man who has a “legion” of unclean spirits in him. They cause him physical, emotional and spiritual pain. 

I love that when Jesus arrives, these unclean spirits see and know Jesus immediately. The unclean spirits recognize Him and His power. They fall prostrate at His feet! When was at the last time you truly recognized Jesus power? When was the last time you sought Jesus so earnestly that you fell prostrate on the ground before Him? 

The story takes a humorous twist (in my opinion). The unclean spirits beg to not be tortured and sent away. They look to cling to a body with life and ask to be allowed to go into the herd of swine nearby. 

Jesus is so many steps ahead and allows them to go into the pigs. Then, as if scripted in a movie, the pigs all go down a steep embankment and drown in the water below. 

Satan is out there and real. He prowls around the earth looking to devour souls. This man was driven away from the light and was roaming around the tombs.

Have you ever felt lost, not yourself, out of touch with Christ? He can transform even those that seem lost beyond hope! You are never so far gone that He can’t step in and make you clean again. 

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