Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Choose to do Good

Yup, it's "hump day." Let's get over the mid week hump with a little time with Jesus! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 3:1-6) today we learn a little more about the Letter vs the Spirit of the Law.

As Jesus is in the synagogue he encounters a man with a withered hand. It is the Sabbath, and the law prohibits work from being done. The Pharisees are just watching and waiting to see if Jesus is going to heal the man so they could have him put to death for continuing to break the law.

Jesus continually tries to teach the Pharisees, but they are more interested in their laws and trying to have Jesus killed because he is threatening their way of life.

We know Jesus is going to heal this man. It is the right thing to do and it is what God would want to happen. He wants them to see that God would rather see someone healed than harmed! God wants good to be done, not evil. They are taking rest so literally that they miss the opportunity to show love, compassion and mercy. God would rather see those things than no "work" at all.

Have you seen a law or rule that seems so ridiculous that it is counter productive and intuitive. Keeping the Sabbath Holy and resting is important, but not when it means harm toward others.

Our First and Greatest Commandment is to Love God with all our heart! How can we say we love God if we ignore those in need just because it is the Sabbath? This is the point Jesus was trying desperately to make.

The Sabbath is important. We shouldn't constantly be on the go and never stop to rest our bodies, minds and spirit. We also shouldn't just "veg" out and do nothing as our rest. A day of rest is a time to honor and reflect on the love of God. It is a chance to get into His presence and have our souls restored.

When you are faced with situations you aren't sure how to handle or rules that seem not to make sense, look to God. Seek Him and His direction. Clearly He would want you to show His love, mercy and grace and not look the other way. Our rules are clear, Love God and Love your neighbor. If you are being asked to do something contrary to that, take a hard look at yourself and always choose God.

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