Thursday, January 12, 2017

An Active and Expectant Faith

I can't believe it's another Friday. Be sure you end this week right by getting into The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to the mass readings for today.

Our Gospel (Mark 2:1-12) today continues to show us about expectant faith! We read about 4 friends who are looking to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus because they know Jesus can heal him. They are unable to get close to Him so they go up on the roof, cut a hole and lower the man down!

For real, how awesome are these guys! I know I want friends like that. Friends who are willing to do anything to bring me to Jesus so I can be healed. Friends who don't care what others may think of them and who will stop at nothing to help me.

Scripture tells us that when Jesus "saw" their faith he told the man that his sins were forgiven. They didn't just wait around for Jesus, they went to Him! We must have an expectant faith and we must Go to The Father!

I know we should really talk more about Jesus forgiving the man of His sins and then healing him physically, but in this moment, I can't get over the faith of this group of friends, so that is where I will sit for today.

I am going to continue to find friends like these 4, but more importantly, I am going to be a friend like them. I will stop at nothing to bring the ones I love to Jesus! I will do everything with an expectant and unwavering faith!

The great part about the Gospel is that it is living and breathing. It speaks to us where we are and what we need to hear if we allow it to.

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