Sunday, January 1, 2017

He is right here

What better way to kick of 2017 and the first Monday of the year than in The Word! READ and/or LISTEN to our reading for today!

Our Gospel (John 1:19-28) is the testimony John the Baptist is giving to the priests and levites sent by the Jews who wanted to know who he was.

He told them he was not Christ or Elijah or even a prophet, but that he was simply the "voice crying out in the desert 'make straight the way of the Lord' that Isaiah had spoken about.

John tells them that they don't even recognize Christ right in their midst! He was only baptizing with water, but Christ would come after him.

How often do we totally miss Jesus among us? How often to we miss him in our midst? Sadly, I saw this in churches all the time. People would become so wowed and caught up in their pastor that they were holding on to his words more than His Words! The pastor was suppose to be showing the way to Jesus, not taking His place. Please don't misunderstand, I am not suggesting this is what the pastors intended, just like John did not intended for people to be thinking he was the messiah.

We must stay in tune to the Spirit. We must stop missing His presence and start looking to Him to lead and guide us. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life, no one else!

The more we see and recognize Him, the more we can start showing Him to others!

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