Friday, January 20, 2017

The 12

Happy Friday! Be sure to round out this week in The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 3:13-19) today Jesus calls His 12 Apostles to be with Him and to go preach in His name. He gives them the power and authority to cast out demons and share God's Word!

This is such an awesome honor and responsibility! You would think Jesus would choose the best of the best for this task, right? Wrong! Jesus chooses 12 ordinary men with no extraordinary powers. Most were uneducated, with no special gifts or talents to speak of. They didn't come from prominent or wealthy families, they were just ordinary men who were willing to say yes!

When we doubt that we can do something we are called to, we need to look back to these 12. They literally changed the world. They literally brought the Gospel to the ends of the Earth and did so without the modern day conveniences we have. There were no phones or internet! There were no cars or planes! They weren't even given lots of money to help them get started! In fact, they were sent out 2 by 2 with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

If Jesus calls you to do something, he is going to equip you to be successful. He doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called!

The difference between these men and far to many others is their willingness to say yes and actually follow the call.

When Jesus calls, will you follow?

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