Thursday, January 12, 2017

Who's eyes do you see the world through?

READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today.

There are two very remarkable things that happen in today's Gospel (Mark 1:40-45) that we can learn from and take away immediately.

A leper approaches Jesus and says to Jesus if you will you can make me clean. The leper knows that Jesus can heal him. Against all of societal norms and rules, this leper still approaches Jesus.

The leper went to Jesus with a strong and expectant faith. He knew that Jesus could and would heal him if he just brought his ailment to Him.

Bring your cares, concerns and struggles to Jesus with an expectant faith!

Next, we learn from Jesus. It was completely unheard of for anyone to touch a leper. They were outcast by their society and medically it would've been considered dangerous. Jesus goes against the ways of the world and shows compassion, love, and mercy on the man who approaches him. Jesus touches this man. We sometimes forget the importance of physical touch. This is another way to show true care and love.

How do you treat that beggar on the street? Do you look them in the eye with love and compassion? Or do you hurry past and pretend you don't see and hear them?

How do you treat that annoying coworker or neighbor you don't really like? Are you kind? 

We must stop looking at others with the eyes of the world, and start looking at them with the eyes of Jesus.

I am not even suggesting that we go out of our way for those that we don't particularly like, however, when we see them in need, or when we know they can use an extra hand, or a kind word or gesture, follow Jesus example. He didn't go seeking the leper out, but when the leper came to Him He showed His love, His kindness, His compassion and His mercy.

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