Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Come and See

Well, it's Wednesday...ya know that "hump day" in the week. We are going to thrive through it, however, and we will do it with The Word of God! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today.

Our Gospel today is John 1:35-42

Jesus is the Lamb of God. Jesus came to be sacrificed for our sins! He was perfect, blameless, yet He took on all the sins of the world. John, understood about sacrifices since his father was a priest. He knew what calling Jesus the Lamb of God meant.

John pointed out "The Lamb of God" to 2 of his disciples. John continues to make sure he is pointing others to Jesus and not keeping his followers to himself. He is there to pave the way for The Way!

Jesus invited John's disciples to "come and see." Jesus wants to reveal himself to you. He wants you to know who he really is, and to have a relationship with you. Jesus is not some far off, high in the sky, idea. He is real and He is present, you just need to see Him.

Once you find Him, don't keep Him to yourself! Bring other to meet and know Him too!

If you are struggling to see him, cry out. If you don't feel His presence, keep seeking Him, He is there! He will reveal himself to you through faith. Continue to ask for Him to increase your faith.

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