Sunday, January 22, 2017

A house divided...

Yup, it's Monday again! Don't let the weeks fly by without pausing to reflect. Be sure you are READING and/or LISTENING to The Word daily.

In our Gospel (Mark 3:22-30) we have a few major points being discussed, so be sure to READ the readings today, becuase I am only sharing a small thought.

I want to highlight a couple of lines. In them, Jesus is "defending" himself agains the scribes who were basically saying he must be of Satan if He is able to cast out demons. Part of Jesus reply is "If a Kingdom is divided against itself, that Kingdom cannot stand." He also says that "If a house is divided against itself, that house can not stand."

Let us look at that for a moment today. Look at the division in churches, look at the division in families and look at the division in our government over politics. We must find a way to unite or we will surely fall. When we are divided, we become weaker.

Where one alone may be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord is not easily broken. ~ Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NABRE)

When we don't stand together, we can be overcome! It's time to get our act together and figure out a way to find common ground. We must place God back where He belongs and untie around Him!

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