Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Expectant Pursuit

Let's get over this Wednesday "hump" by getting into The Word. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings for today.

Jesus heals, plain and simple! In our Gospel (Mark 1:29-39) Jesus enters the home of Simon and Andrew. The told Jesus of Simon's sick mother in law and He heals her. Later in the evening they bring all those who are sick to Jesus because they know He can heal!

Jesus tries to get away early in the morning to pray, and they continue to "pursue" him! Did Jesus turn them away? Heck no, he goes with them and they continue on to the next village to preach since that was his purpose.

He continued to preach, heal the sick and drive out demons!

Do you pursue Jesus? Do you keep pursuing Him even when you feel like you don't know where He is? He is here to heal! Bring Him your cares, worries, stress, anxieties and ailments! Pursue Him with an expectant heart.

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