Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Show Me

Happy Day! Start it off right in The Word! READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today!

Have you ever tried to tell someone about Jesus, or has someone ever tried to talk to you about Him, but the recipient of this message was VERY skeptical. Seriously, He seems too good to be true, and how do we really know that He is the Messiah, right?

This is what was happening in our Gospel today (John 1:43-51). Jesus calls Phillip to follow Him and Phillip runs to his buddy, Nathaniel and tells him that they found the one Moses and the prophets spoke about and that he is from Nazareth.

Nathaniel looks down on Nazareth and asks "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"

Phillip invites Nathaniel to "come and see" for himself! Nathaniel wasn't ready to believe. Nathaniel's eyes had not yet been open. He went with Phillip anyway to see for himself. On the way Jesus saw him coming and spoke to him. Jesus tells Nathaniel that He saw Him under the fig tree earlier and suddenly Nathaniel knew and believed Jesus was and is the Son of God.

Phillip knew it wasn't worth arguing, Nathaniel needed to see for himself.

We need to show people Jesus in our actions and behaviors. People believe what they see, not what they hear.

Don't just tell people about Jesus, invite them to see Him for themselves.

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