Monday, January 23, 2017

Relationships Matter

Take a moment this Tuesday and spend a little time in The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings for the day!

Today's Gospel (Mark 3:31-35) use to drive me nuts. It has always bothered me a little bit. I mean, here we see Jesus sitting amongst a crowd, and when He is told His mother and relatives are there to see him, he appears to dismiss them.

What I am growing and learning to discover is that Jesus wasn't diminishing who they were or His relationship with them, He was building us and our relationship up!

Think about the mother who has more than one child. She doesn't love one less in order to love the other more, right? In my brain, this is what Jesus is doing here. He is not minimizing His relationship with them, he is just showing an increased love for us. He is building us up, not tearing them down.

Jesus was showing that those who follow and do the will of God are His family. They are like His mother and brothers.

Relationships matter. Family is more than just flesh and blood. Jesus demonstrates this in our Gospel. Our faith is about relationships, first and foremost our relationship with God, Our Father. Through that relationship we learn love! God is the source of love and we want our relationships to be rooted in Him.

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