Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Healing Power of Expectant Faith

Great day to you! READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings and spend a little time meditating and reflecting on them!

People flocked to Jesus for healing and to be near him. It's not like they could just hop in the car and drive to see him. They traveled by foot and pushed and squeezed through crowds to get close to him! I picture those scenes of rock stars walking through crowds and fans jumping, reaching and clawing over each other to get a glimpse or touch as the star walked by.

The people in today's Gospel (Mark 3:7-12) were so much more desperate to touch Jesus than the crowds at a rock concert. They were trying to be healed from lifelong illnesses, demon possession and life threatening disease. These crowds were so large and so desperate to touch him that he actually feared being crushed!

These crowds had such a strong and expectant faith they would be healed. If they didn't expect and believe they would be healed, they wouldn't go through the same lengths to get near Him.

When was the last time you approached Jesus with a strong and expectant faith? When was the last time you were so desperate to be near him that you pushed everything else in your life aside to be with him?

We don't have to travel ridiculous distances or fight crowds to get close to Jesus, yet we don't do it enough (if at all).  What is holding you back from reaching out. What is keeping you from believing with an expectant faith?

Go to Him, seek Him out!

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