Friday, January 27, 2017

Tiny Beginning

Dang these weeks are flying by already, I can't believe another Friday is upon us.  Take some time to READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 4:26-34) Jesus gives us a parable about a mustard seed. He compares a tiny little mustard seed to the Kingdom of God.

The mustard seed is wicked tiny, yet, when it is sown and allowed to grow, it grows into the "greatest of shrubs" with huge branches that birds can nest in.

So how is this like the Kingdom of God? God can take the smallest act of obedience and make it great. He can take a tiny ounce of faith and change the world with it.

We must sow seeds. We don't have to stress or worry about putting out something big and grand. We don't have to worry about making it grow, because we can't. We just have to share God. We must obey with a faithful and obedient heart. God can take that word or act we sow and transform it. He can transform us and transform the ears of those who hear.

That seed can't grow or do anything on it's own. We are the same way, we can't change our hearts or transform ourselves only God can do that.  Give Him your heart and watch what He can do with it!

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