Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Are you sharing The Good News?

Let's thrive through this Wednesday instead of just trying to get over the hump! Start by READING and/or LISTENING to our mass readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 16:15-18) today, Jesus is sending His 11 out to proclaim the Gospel to every creature! In the Gospel of Mark these are His final words before His ascension. His Earthly ministry is ending and He is passing it on to His apostles to carry His message to the ends of the earth. He may be leaving them physically, but He is leaving them with the Holy Spirit.

This Great Commission is not just given to the apostles, but to you and I as well. We are to share the Good News with all people. We are to bring Christ everywhere we go! We don't have to stress out or worry what to say, Christ will speak through us if we put our faith, hope and trust in Him and allow Him to work through us.

I know I must do a better job of proclaiming the Gospel wherever I go, but I also must to a better job of living the Gospel so people can see it in and through me!

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