Monday, October 31, 2016

Exalted Happiness!

To start your day right, be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today! Be sure to get to Mass, it's the Solemnity of All Saints!

Our Gospel reading is taken from the sermon on the Mount found in Matthew. This particular passage is referred to as the Beatitudes. Beatitude means "supreme blessedness, exalted happiness."

Jesus is talking to us about true happiness, about living with purpose and finding abundance! He lays it out in front of us like a roadmap!

God wants us to be happy. He doesn't intend for us to go through our earthly life unhappy. He plants the desire for happiness inside each and every one of us like a seed. The beatitudes are like the soil, water, sun and tending to of that seed. That seed grows as we follow God. That seed grows as we strive to live saintly lives. And that seed grows as we make choices in our life that reflect the kingdom and not just desires of the world.

If we pursue God with everything we have, no matter what the situation or circumstances we face, we will receive his ultimate blessings, rewards and true happiness! I pray we see some of this reward while we are here on Earth, but we can rest on God's promise that we will certainly see it in Heaven.

Who do you invite to your Table?

Happy Monday and welcome to a new day and a new week! Be sure to kick it off the right way by READING and/or LISTENING to our readings for today!

In our Gospel today, Jesus is giving a a lesson that has us really looking into our hearts and how we treat people.

He was invited by a leading Pharisee to dinner. While at dinner he tells the host and guests that when they have a banquet they should not just be inviting family and friends with the means to repay the invitation. He tells them that they should host people that would NEVER be able to repay such a gift. They should be inviting the lame, sick and poor.

Jesus isn't saying we shouldn't ever do nice things for family and friends, but he wants to challenge our thinking and our motives. He wants us to be generous! It is so easy to be nice to and caring toward those who are nice and caring toward us, isn't it? It's easy to lend a hand to someone who you know is able to lend a hand when you need it!

Jesus wants us to reach out to those who could do nothing for us in return. He wants us to demonstrate kindness, compassion and mercy. In doing so, we are being the hands and feet of Jesus! In doing so, we are able to bring light into a dark world! In doing so, we are being obedient!

Jesus also reminds us that we will receive our reward, not from those we are helping, but from the Heavenly Father! Our reward for self sacrifice will come and we will see it at the resurrection!

Especially during this season, look for those you can reach out to! Look for those who you can show kindness and mercy toward and those you can have to your table!

Friday, October 28, 2016

What do you do before the big moments in life?

It's Friday and I think this is a fantastic Gospel to round out the week! Be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today!

I love a message that is short, sweet and straight to the point!

In those days he departed to the mountain to pray, and he spent the night in prayer to God. Luke 6:12 NABRE

Our Gospel begins with Jesus on a mountain praying all night to God. In the morning Jesus comes down the mountain and calls his disciples. 

There are several places in scripture where we see Jesus off on his own in prayer with God. We specifically see him alone praying at critical times in his ministry. 

If Jesus needs to spend the night in prayer with God before he takes big steps, how much more should we be praying? If the son of God goes to the father for discernment, clarity, and strength, how much more do we need to do that? 

I love that we don't just have scripture telling us how we should act and live. I love that we were given Jesus as a living example. Some of us are visual learners, and God has us covered with Jesus!

Are you listening and following God's call in your life? Do you ever feel like you are being called to something you aren't capable of doing? Do you feel like you aren't smart enough, strong enough or talented enough to do the things you are being called to? 

Have you ever looked at the disciples?!?!

We see Jesus come down from the mountain he call very ordinary men to change the course of human history! They weren't great speakers, teachers or spiritual leaders! They weren't even all men of great character! 

They are, however, willing to say "yes" to the call. They are willing to put their faith, hope and trust in God and follow Jesus! God doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called, right? If we ever doubt that, go back and look at the disciples. 

God wants to use you for big and mighty things. Listen to his call. If there is something he wants you to do, he will make sure you are able to do it!

As you close out this week and head into the weekend, take a good, hard look at your prayer life. Are you communicating with God regularly? Are you talking to him about the small stuff so that you are more comfortable when the big stuff comes along? 

Are you going to God and really listening to him when you have big decisions to make or new opportunities present themselves to you? 

Are you answering the calls God places on you or are you trying to hide from them?

Go to Him. Lay your cares and concerns at His feet, and stay there until you see and hear clearly what He wants you to do! Once you know your call, go after it with everything you have!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Stay the Course and Fulfill Your Purpose

It's that time of the day. If you haven't yet, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today.

Our Gospel today starts with Jesus being warned by the Pharisees to flee for his life because Herod wants to have him killed!

Jesus came to this Earth with a mission and a purpose! Nothing is going to stand in the way of him following that mission and call, not even threats on his life.

Jesus basically tells them to let Herod know he will continue doing what he is doing and will continue to heal those in need of healing. He is also speaking prophetically in his reply:

"Go tell that fox, 'behold, I cast out demons and I perform healings today and tomorrow, and on the third day I accomplish my purpose." Luke 13:32 NABRE 

Jesus is hear to heal and hear to save. He knows who He is and what He needs to do. Threats on his life will not deter Him from the work he has been called to. 

I want to live a life without fear of others. I want to live a life that is true to the mission and purposes God has called me to. I pray if I am ever in a situation where I face threats of harm or doing what God wants me to do, that I whole heartedly follow God and that I remain obedient to him. 

I pray the same in situations that aren't life threatening as well! How many times do we let fear stand in the way of what we know is good and true and right? How many times do we let fear stand in the way of doing the work God has called us to do? How many time have we let fear stop us from our passions and purpose? 

I know I have far too many times. I have let fear of being rejected keep me from sharing my heart! I have let fear of failure keep me from really pushing and pursing bigger things in the business that I know God wants me in! Instead of facing those fears and continuing to do my work, I will not flee! I will stay the course until I fulfill my purpose!

No more! Today we take a stand. Today we follow Jesus lead and example! We will not be moved until our mission is complete. We will not flee because we are scared or threatened. We will rely on God and His strength, not our own! 

Finally, draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Ephesians 6:10 NABRE

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

The Narrow Gate

READ and/or LISTEN to our Readings today and spend a little time meditating on God's Word!

I hate the idea that many will be rejected from the Kingdom of God. I hate even more that it is a choice, yet too many will not enter! 

Salvation is a serious topic and I think too many preachers and people gloss over it. They make been sweeping statements about faith and being "saved." 

Yes, we are absolutley saved by faith. We can't "earn" our way into the Kingdom. Our salvation is a gift from a generous, compassionate and merciful God. 

I believe the danger comes in that people think they know Christ, but they are kidding themselves and others around them. There is more to faith than just knowing who He is. Shoot, Satan knows and believes he exists, but we certainly won't see him in the Kingdom! 

Jesus tells the people: 

"Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough." Luke 13:24 NABRE

Jesus continues teaching with parables. He gives us an example of a Master locking the door before a feast and people standing outside knocking, asking for the door to be opened. But the Master of the house claims to not know those on the outside, even though they said they said "we ate and drank in your company and you taught in our streets." The master tells them he does not know where they are from!

Do you really know Christ? It's not enough to be a "good person" and listen to what He teaches. We must know Him intimately! We must strive to be like Him! He is the narrow gate and the only way to the kingdom is through Him. 

Knowing Him, believing in Him, following Him requires much of us. We must become living sacrifices. He must be put first in our lives before anything and anyone else. We must allow Him to totally and completely transform us and renew our mind and soul!

We must be filled with His compassion and mercy. We must be obedient to His call. We must be humble and rely on His strength and not our own. Those who try to enter the kingdom on their own strength will not be strong enough! We must be willing to pick up our cross and follow Him! 

God wants us all to sit at His banquet table, but once the door is locked, it will be too late! 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Plant Those Seeds

I pray you are getting in the habit do reading our daily readings and doing some meditating on God's word each day! If you haven't yet today, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to the Mass readings.

Today's Gospel is so short and so POWERFUL! Jesus tells us a little about what the Kingdom of God is like. The first comparison is to a mustard seed and the second is to yeast. Both comparisons take something so small that turn into something huge!

That tiny little mustard seed grew into a tree large enough for the birds to nest in because someone took the time to plant it! Do we take the time to talk to others, do we take time to show love? A seemingly small act in a seemingly small instance has the power! A tiny seed that is planted turns into a huge tree! Just imagine what the word of God shared with your children could turn into?

The second might be one of my favorite examples, and that is the yeast used in making bread. It doesn't take much yeast to be added to the dough to make it totally transform!

When we receive the holy spirit in us, it is like that yeast being added to the dough. We start off shapeless and formless, and then when the Holy Spirit enters us, change begins to happen and we become a totally new substance! We become changed from the inside out!

We don't have to start off as much, we don't have to start big, for big things to grow from us and an amazing transformation to happen in us!

Like the seed, when it is planted it can turn into something great, and like the yeast being added to the dough, we can become totally new!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Freedom from Bondage

Happy Monday! I LOVE Monday's. I love the chance for a fresh start and a new week. Yes, in Christ we can start fresh any day, but there is something about a Monday on the calendar that makes us really focus on a new day!

As we start fresh this week, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Are there areas of your life that Satan has you bound? Are you suffering physically, emotionally or spiritually? We don't understand why we suffer sometimes, but we can be assured that God can use whatever pain we are going through and turn it into something beautiful!

Jesus has the power to free us from this bondage! In our Gospel today there was a woman who had been suffering for 18 years when Jesus came and healed her! He has the power to heal and save, we must believe in that power!

The leaders at the time, who witnessed this healing right before there eyes, were not overjoyed at this miracle they saw. Instead, they questioned Jesus and threw the law at him. They reminded him that the law stated no work should be done on the Sabbath. Instead of embracing and praising Jesus and be thankful this woman was healed, their hearts are revealed. Their hypocritical nature is in full swing! We have laws for a reason, but when we become more concerned over a law than we are about people, there is a problem. Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it! There is a balance between following the letter of the law and the spirit of the law. Not working on the Sabbath was a way to honor God and rest. Is it very honoring to God to ignore someone's suffering?

Jesus points out to these leaders that they take care of their animals and will walk them from the barn to get water, so why should he wait to heal a woman who has been suffering for 18 years!

This Gospel has two major lessons today:
1. There can be a fine line between the letter and the spirit of the law. We must look at the heart of the law and always look to honor God and love His people. Ask Him for discernment in making choices.
2. Jesus has the power to heal, he has power over life and death! He can take any struggle, hurt or infirmity and use it to bring glory and honor to him! Go to Him! Call on Him! He will answer you.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Read the signs in front of you!

It's Friday! Be sure you close out the "work" week right and head into the weekend with lots of Jesus in your heart. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Jesus talks to us about 2 pretty important things in our reading today. Signs and Dealing with an others. 

We can usually tell when a storm is coming. We are able to see changes in the clouds, we can sometimes feel the air pressure change and we are able to notice a dip or spike in temperature.  Signs like this are easy for us to see and interpret, yet somehow we miss the signs that a storm is brewing in our relationships. We miss the signs of Jesus presence in our life and the miracles he performs daily!

Jesus straight up asks us "Why do you not judge for yourselves what is right?"

We know when things aren't right, and we know we need to deal with them head on, yet we bring others into situations that they don't need to be in! We are so focused on our own pride and being right that we forget about mercy and grace! We are so focused on being right that we miss when we are the one in the wrong! Often we are bringing others into situations that don't concern them because we are looking for someone to be on "our side." 

Jesus tells us to settle matters with others quickly. Don't bring anyone in to judge. In his parable he tells us that if we bring someone else before a judge, we can be the one turned over and be thrown in prison. 

We need to see the signs that a situation is going badly, we need to recognize the signs in front of us and take action. We need to be loving and full of grace, compassion and mercy whether we are in the wrong or not, because when we lack these things, we are always wrong! 

We need to start looking at the signs around us. We need to not just see them, but we must start responding to them as well! Stop ignoring relationships that are going poorly and own up to your part in them. Start looking to Jesus for a discerning heart and spirit and settle disputes quickly so they don't fester and turn into something that seems beyond repair!

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Do I have to Choose?

I pray you are doing well and having a great week. As you sit down and take a few moments for yourself, be sure you make some time to READ and/or LISTEN to today's reading.

Usually when we hear of fire in scripture we initially think of hell, or at least I do. Then when you pause and reflect of the various ways God reveals himself in scripture through fire, we see that fire has great meaning. Jesus starts us off today saying he is here to set the world on fire! In this crazy political time, many of us probably wish he would do just that!

In scripture we read that the people were looking for Jesus to come and be a certain kind of ruler to save the people, yet we learn and know He came in peace. Well, today he tells us he didn't come to bring peace to this earth but will be a source of division. Division among friends and households!

This passage is a tough one for me to swallow for sure! We must be put to the test and brought through fire to be purified. We will have choices to make that will be difficult. Nothing that matters ever comes easy!

There will be times we must choose. We must choose to be obedient to Jesus and follow His lead, or listen to the World. We will sometimes have to literally choose between what Jesus has for us and what family and friends want for and from us. Sometimes the cost of following Jesus means that we will lose friends, that we will even lose family!

We can't have things both ways. We are either for Jesus or against him, there is no in between!

Jesus over exaggerates this idea of mother against daughter and and father against son for us because He is making a point. We need to examine our heart. When it comes down to it, who do we love more? Do you love Jesus or your spouse more? Do you love Jesus or your child more? Do you put Christ first in your life, or everyone else?

God wants us to be set on fire for Him! He wants us to be so filled with His love and the Holy Spirit that they can not be contained!

Where do you stand? Are you for God or Against? When push comes to shove, who do you choose? This is why it is so important to me to share my faith and to be sure I am sharing it with family and friends!

This isn't easy stuff, but the rewards are eternal!

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Do you "Know Better?"

Let's get over the Wednesday hump by getting into the Word. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today!

Jesus doesn't pull any punches today, he jumps right into our Gospel. He starts us off with the idea that if we knew a thief was coming to our house, we would be ready for him, right? He is talking to us about being prepared.

We don't have any idea when Jesus will be coming back to us, so we must ALWAYS remain prepared! Jesus further explains using an example of a master and his steward. It's easy to look good and do the right thing when you know you are being watched, or you know when the master will be home. If the steward doesn't know when he will arrive, he needs to be always doing what is right or face the consequences.

To round out His teaching, he warns us of the difference about knowing what we are suppose to do and not doing it. He gives an example of a steward who knows his master will be home late. Instead of continuing to do his job with integrity, he eats, drinks and beats the servants. He knew what his masters will of him was, he knew his job and he chose to disobey. Jesus makes the distinction that this steward will be treated more harshly with more severe consequences than one who acts in a similar manner but doesn't know his masters will.

On the simplest of levels we see this in children. When you have one child who is older and knows what to do an not do, he/she will get reprimanded for actions that a younger child might not. The older child "knows better."

As children of God, we know better. We know how we are suppose to act and we know we must obey. We can't just go about living our life carelessly without thought to His will, just waiting for when we think he is coming back to claim His people!

We must treat every day like it is our last. We must treat every moment as though it is the moment Jesus is coming. We need to always be obedient, not just when we think He is watching. It may feel like there is a lot required of us, but man oh man will so much be given!

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Harvest is coming

Who is ready for a great day? Be sure to start if off right and READ and/or LISTEN to our reading for the day!

In our Gospel today Jesus sends out 72 men to bring His message to the world. He sends them out in pairs with no money in their pockets or anything else but the clothes on their back. He sent them like "lambs among wolves."

Jesus doesn't want them bringing anything with them, he wants them totally free of distractions and wants them to fully rely on Him and His strength. He wants them to go out and share his word like seeds being planted in the harvest. Their job is to plant the word, it is not up to them to make it grow. It isn't up to them when it will grow, they are just planting.

Jesus is the Master of the Harvest and we are His laborers. We must go out and sacrificially give! We must not allow the distractions of the world hinder us. We must free ourselves from possessions and "stuff" and allow God to provide for our needs. We must selflessly serve others! We must share and plant God's word wherever we go. We must bring His peace to those who are willing to listen.

Are you ready to one of His laborers? The harvest is coming!

Monday, October 17, 2016

Stop Storing Stuff!

Happy Monday! Let's start the week off right and dig into The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our daily mass readings.

If we haven't experienced an inheritance dispute, we have certainly seen them portrayed in movies and on TV. They look absolutely awful and bring out the very worst in people! Our Gospel opens with Jesus being asked to settle one of these disputes and he wants no part of it! He warns of greed and the need for many possessions.

Jesus demonstrates his point in a parable about a man who had accumulated and stored such a large harvest that he didn't have anymore room for it so he tore down his barns and built bigger ones!

At first glance, there doesn't seem to be a lot wrong with this, right? How awesome would it be to have so much stuff you needed more space? This guy seems to be saving and staying prepared, right?

What's wrong with that? There isn't anything wrong with having money and things, the problem comes when your love of money and things gets in the way of your relationships with others and with God. They become a problem when they effect your heart!

How many times to do we see people working so hard so they can keep accumulating stuff?  In the process of this, they neglect relationships, they don't help out others in need, and they just amass more and more money and possessions but keep them to themselves.

Saving and being prepared is not wrong, but when possessions become most important and people are neglected, it becomes a problem. When we are saving and preparing because we are not trusting in God to provide for us, our heart suffers. When we are more concerned about stuff and not concerned about the people we become, we truly miss out on life!

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also will your heart be." ~ Matthew 6:19-21 

What good is it to have a lot of stuff or be wealthy if we don't have anyone to share with? What good is it to amass things that can be destroyed or taken away? When we leave this world, we won't be bringing our toys with us! 

God cares about our hearts! He wants us to put our stock in things that increase our heart. He wants us to love and care for others. He wants nothing to come between us and Him. He doesn't say that money and possessions are bad or wrong, it's our love of them and how we treat them that is dangerous!

Stop storing stuff! Start doing things that are good for your heart and soul. Start collecting more friends! Start taking care of family! Love and be loved! 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Fear is Powerful

Another week has flown right by! Be sure to end it on a great note by READING and/or LISTENING to our readings today.

Fear can stop us dead in our tracks. It can cripple us physically, emotionally and spiritually! Fear keeps us from doing the things God wants us to do and from living the life we are meant to.

Our Gospel today hits on Fear. Growing up I learned of this amazing and loving God, but then in the next breath was told we are to fear the Lord. What the heck? Talk about confusing a kid! The idea that we should fear God can feel a like an oxymoron and is super confusing.

A big fear that many people in this world have is death. Jesus knows this and tells us in Luke 12:4-5:

I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body but after can do no more. I shall show you whom to fear. Be afraid of the one who after killing has the power to cast into Gehenna; yes, I tell you, be afraid of that one.

Only God truly has the power over life and death. It is Him who we should fear. He decides our final punishment after death. Will we suffer punishment by fire?

Fear is powerful! A Godly fear is healthy. A Godly fear helps us make the right choices and decisions.

I learned many lessons growing up from my parents. Many of them were learned the hard way! I didn't want to face the consequences of poor decisions, so I tried to make the correct ones. I feared the punishment more than doing the wrong things. I still loved my parents and they loved me, but there was an element of fear that kept me doing the right things. Now, take that small concept from youth and magnify it a bazillion times!

I do not have to fear anyone or anything on this earth, because this place is temporary. God decides what happens to me in my eternity based on the choices I make here on earth. By choosing to follow Him with my entire heart, mind and soul, I do not have to fear death (or anything, for that matter). This, my friends, is a healthy fear of God.

Before Luke ends his Gospel we are reminded that we are worth more to God than anything. "Even the hairs on our head have been counted." God knows and loves us so intimately that he can tell you how many hairs are on my head! Stop fearing the things of this world! Stop fearing the unknown. Love and honor God and have a healthy fear and reverence for Him.

Allow God's light to truly transform you. Live with a healthy fear and reverence for God and you will have nothing to fear on this earth.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Key to Knowledge

I pray your week is going well! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings for today.

I am going to be totally honest this morning, since it's my blog, so I can :-)

I am struggling with my thoughts for today's Gospel, there is just so much in here. The part that is jumping out at me and the small part I want to really focus on this morning and throughout my day is Luke 11:52.

"Woe to you, scholars of the law! You have taken away the key of knowledge. You yourselves did not enter and you stopped those trying to enter."

We are reminded in our reading that in the old testament God sent the prophets to bring the people the Word of God along with His warnings and in the new testament we are given Jesus. Jesus is our key to knowledge. He is the one that can open our hearts and minds to what God wants to reveal to us. When we keep Jesus out of our lives we are keeping true wisdom and knowledge out. When we are keeping Jesus from others, we are keeping them from His knowledge.

The prophets interpreted God's Word for the people the way the Scribes were suppose to. By the scribes shutting Jesus out and not truly hearing God, they were giving misinterpretations of the law and leading the people astray!

I am thankful for a church that helps me interpret the readings, but am also thankful to have the Holy Spirit guide me so that man is not the only place I gain my insight.

Humble yourself before God. Allow Him to speak to you and breath truth into you. Allow Him to open your eyes, ears, mind and heart to true knowledge!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Strong Warnings

I love that each and every day can be a fresh start if we need it! If you have been struggling with anything in your life, it is NEVER too late to turn to God and give your burdens to Him. A great way to start doing that is to get in His Word! Be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to the daily Mass Readings to help get you on the right track.

God came to us in flesh through Jesus for so many reasons. The biggest, we know, is to bring us salvation. In doing that, though, He is a living example, He is our Teacher, Our Friend, but also our sign. He warns us of what is to come if we don't listen, follow and believe.

In our Gospel He is speaking to the Pharisees and warning them about cleaning up their act. Yesterday He told them to basically worry about cleaning up their heart and to focus less on the outside. They need to be more concerned with their inside than how they look.

Today, we hear more warnings! Today we hear Jesus pointing out more of the hypocritical nature of the Pharisees, but if we listen, he is speaking to each of us as well.

Sometimes it feels like Jesus is being harder on the Pharisees and Religious leaders, and I believe He is. Not only are they doing themselves a disservice, they lead others astray! They are suppose to lead people to God through his Word, but they do just the opposite!

These Pharisees and religious leaders spend too much time focusing on the wrong things and not enough on the things that matter most to God. They will take one part of the law that is seemingly insignificant when looking at the big picture and they will do EVERYTHING to keep it, even if it means not caring for people. They will be sure to pay their tithe, yet will ignore someone who is hurting and in need of real help.

I know I have done this. I have done this on the way to Church! I have passed right by someone in need because I didn't want to be late. I know I am not alone. Yes, it is important to be in church, but don't you think God would rather I be late or not there at all if it means taking care of one of his people who is hurting and in need?

Jesus makes a remark that seems strange at first. He compares these Pharisees and religious leaders to "unseen graves" that people don't realize they are walking over.

The dead were considered unclean, and if you came in contact with the dead, it would make you unclean as well. Jesus is pointing out that those that come in contact with these Pharisees and Religious leaders don't even realize they are becoming unclean. They don't even realize they are being led down the wrong path.

Today's Gospel serves as a warning to me as well! It is more than just looking at the letter of the law verses the spirit of the law. It is a warning to make sure I know my stuff! It is a reminder that people that look "good" and appear to know what they are talking about can be wrong. It is a reminder that intentionally and unintentionally, those who are in positions of power and authority get it wrong. There are many in positions of leadership out there who are misleading their flocks, and it is my responsibility to not be led astray. I need to arm myself with the Word of God and rest in His strength and not the strength of any man!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Clean it Up!

Have you checked out the daily readings yet today? If not, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to them!

Jesus was invited to have dinner at the home of a Pharisee. Jesus did not observe the prescribed ritual washing before eating. He knew what the Pharisee was thinking and what was in his heart.

This Gospel gives us an amazing object lesson. Jesus teachers that even thought the Pharisees clean their hands, they ultimately aren’t “clean.” Jesus gives us an example of a cup. Just because we clean the outside of the cup, if we don’t do anything with the inside, the cup is dirty.

Jesus is demonstrating that the inside is more important than the outside. The Pharisees were more concerned with looking good and following their rules than truly understanding the rules and why they are there. 

I have come across far too many people in my life that appear like they would be great people to be around, but I was so wrong. They looked the part and even talked the part, but when it came down to their heart and walking the walk, they were hypocrites. They lacked caring and compassion. They gossiped and spoke ill of others. They were more worried about looking good than truly being good. 

Jesus tells us that when we are clean on the inside, when we allow God to create a pure heart in us, we are clean. 

I love the last lesson Jesus sneaks in on us. I had never noticed it before, but, as is true with all things Jesus, it’s brilliant! He teaches that by giving alms we can be wiped clean. Jesus is telling us that what we do outwardly can effect us internally! I have seen this so clearly through my journey to better overall health. The more I excise and eat right, the better I feel and the healthier I am inside. The same is true in reverse. The more I eat and drink and don’t exercise, the worse I feel emotionally and the worse my insides become.

When we are giving thanks, when we are taking care of others, when we are showing the love of Jesus and act as His hands and feet, we are cleansing our heart, body and soul!

Monday, October 10, 2016

There's Your Sign

Happy Monday and welcome to a new week! Be sure to start your week off right by READING and/or LISTENING to our daily readings.

How many times do we want a sign? We are looking for some clear indication that we are making the right decision or doing what we are suppose to be doing? Sometimes we ask for a sign from God that He is really there and that he hears our prayers. 

In Luke's Gospel, the people in the crowd listening to Jesus speak wanted a sign that he was the son of God and not of Satan. Jesus instead let’s them know that He is the sign, He is the warning and message that they will face disaster if people don't follow Him. He compares himself and His message with the one Jonah carried to the Ninevites. When Jonah went to Nineveh to bring a warning from God, the people recognized God’s warning through him and they repented. 

Jesus is hear to bring us to God. He is the way and the truth and the life and NO ONE will come to the Father, except through Him (John 14:6).

Jesus brings us to God. He is God’s messenger for us! He is the sign of our need for repentance and our way to eternal life!

The religious leaders didn’t want to listen to John the Baptist who came to pave the way for Jesus and His message. They don’t want to listen to Jesus and His message or warning about what happens to those who do not repent. He came to not only heal us, but to save us. He is here to transform us if we will only listen and accept the gift He so freely gives! He is here to wipe our slate clean and give us a fresh start!

The next time you are wanting or looking for a sign, remember that we have already been given one in Jesus. If you feel far from Him, go back to God’s Word and go spend some time in prayer. The sign is right in front of us if we are truly seeking it out!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Are you divided?

Wow, it's another Friday already! Heading into the weekend, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today.

I don't know if my brain is fuzzy, or if it is doing brilliant things right now! As I am reading today's gospel and trying to find a good way to make it make a little sense, I can't stop thinking about Harry Potter, but more specifically Voldemort.

In this reading, Jesus was driving out evil Spirits and was basically being accused of doing so through the power of Satan. His accusers wanted Him to prove he wasn't and asked for a sign from Heaven. It is so cool when scripture tells us that "He knew their thoughts." Jesus heard the questions and comments, but knew and understood the real thoughts and intent behind them. Think about it, have you ever said or asked someone something with an agenda in mind or with a specific intent?

Jesus talks to us about a house divided falling. If Satan is divided against himself how will his kingdom stand?

So, back to Voldemort (I am sorry if you don't know who he is or haven't seen Harry Potter). In order to try to live forever, Voldemort divided himself into 7 different pieces. Each time he divided himself, he would lose power and become weaker and weaker. This is what I picture here. If Jesus was working in Satan's name and under his power, every time he drove a demon out he would be dividing himself and become weaker and weaker until he could no longer "stand."

Jesus continues explaining how he can only be of God by giving a mini parable about a strong man and armed guards protecting a palace and it's contents. If someone stronger comes along and disarms the guards the strong man will be able to get in and do what he wants.

Jesus is stronger than Satan, he is not from Satan, so he is able to disarm Satan and do the work of The Father.

I want to briefly go back to this Voldemort analogy. When he was being divided, his soul would have to attach itself to something. Today's gospel is talking about demons possessing people and Jesus power to drive them out. These demons are roaming, looking for an "empty house" to go live in.

When we are leaving empty spaces in our lives and not filling them with the good things of God, when we are not filling them with God Himself, there is room for evil to move in. God is more powerful than anything in the Universe.

I still think this is a super tough scripture and I am doing a terrible job of explaining it with my Voldemort example, but it makes sense in my head.

Voldemort couldn't win because he continued to divide himself. He continued to attach himself to things that were weaker. The Chosen One (in the story this is Harry Potter, but if you were trying to show symbolism he would represent Jesus), who is willing to sacrifice himself so others could live, proves to be much stronger. He is able to disarm Voldemort and in the end, ultimately destroy him.

Evil can't and won't win. We already know the end of the story and we know this! You don't want to be on the side of evil! Jesus is clear "Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters."

There is no doing this life half way. There is not "trying this Jesus stuff out." We are either all in with Him or we aren't. I am choosing to be all in. I am not leaving any empty room inside me. I want to fill it with God's Word, His Love and His Light! I want to stand with God and NEVER against him!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Persistence and Prayer

Good morning! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings for the day.

In our Gospel today Jesus expands on the discussion he started in our reading from yesterday regarding prayer. 

He begins with a parable with a friend show up at midnight asking for bread for travelers who showed up unexpectedly. The friend doesn't want to get up and get the bread because he has already locked up and his family is all already in bed. 

The friend isn't going to quit on asking us because the custom of the time is to provide late night travelers with a meal regardless of the time and if they are hungry. Bread would always be served with the meal, so it is important that the friend find bread. 

Hospitality was something that was much more important than it is today. The entire community would would help the guests feel at home and would help entertain them. Not providing bread would bring dishonor to you if you refused it and it wouldn't be acting as a good friend at all.

Jesus closes that part of the story letting us know that the man in the house would have probably gotten the bread, but not out of friendship or hospitality, but basically because it would be easier than listening to the man keep asking!

How often do you see people warn down by persistence? I remember hosting a party for a co-worker before I was married. I didn't care about the product she was selling and we weren't even friends, but I did it anyway because I was sick of her asking me over and over again!

Jesus point in this story isn't that prayer is about pestering God to get what we want, but wants us to imagine what the God of the universe, who loves us, would do for us if we simply ask Him! If one man can get bread from another who is already in bed and doesn't want to get up, how much more would God be willing to do? 

He concludes asking "What father among you would hand his son a snake when he asks for a fish? Or hand him a scorpion when he asks for an egg? If you then, who are wicked, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?”

Jesus point is that if a Father on earth will give their child what is asked for, how much better are the gifts God will give us?

“And I tell you, ask and you will receive;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you.
For everyone who asks, receives;
and the one who seeks, finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."
Luke 11:9-11 (NABRE)

Have you really sought God? Have you truly looked for Him and called upon Him with expectant faith? Maybe it's time to show up (even in the middle of the night), like that friend searching for bread, and know God will hear our call and will answer our prayer!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Prayer, Mercy and Grace

The idea of Wednesday being "hump" day drives me crazy! Why do we have a day that we try to just "get by" or "get over" to make it through the week? Every day is a gift! We should cherish each and every one and not try to just get by. Ok, mini rant done...On this Wednesday, be sure you READ and/or LISTEN to the daily Mass Readings.

Today's Gospel is another extra short, extra sweet, and so very important!

I have mentioned before and I will say it here again, I love when we see Jesus by himself praying. It is such a solid example and firm reminder how important prayer is and needs to be in our lives. If Jesus needs to get away and spend time with The Father, how much more so should we?!?

Once Jesus is finished praying, the disciples ask him how to pray. As I was in my bible and reading this short passage I was struck by the note that went along with it. I never really paid attention to the idea that Jesus is teaching about corporate prayer. I never connected the start of this prayer as being "Our" Father. If he were teaching me to pray as an individual he would have said "Father" or "My Father," right? If Jesus is teaching us to pray corporately, it must be important and something we  should do, eh?

I use to think it was so strange that the Catholic Church had so many different prescribed prayers. The backgrounds I came from would occasionally recite the Lord's prayer, but other than that, everything else would have pretty much been considered "spontaneous."

In various reading I learned that it was a common practice for rabbis to teach their students short, easy prayers they could use daily and this is very much what Jesus was doing.

I have grown to find comfort in some of these prescribed prayers. It's nice to be able to go to a book and pull a prayer for a specific situation when I may be struggling to find the words! It is nice to know so many that I can pull from them when I need a prayer and the words just don't want to form on my lips.

Jesus totally gives us the "bottom line" in praying. We learn right away that God is our Father and when we go into prayer we are going into time with our Father.

When we go to God we can do so with a BIG BOLD and expectant faith. He loves us, He wants to give us the things we need and forgive our sins. He wants to keep us protected. He IS Grace and Mercy.

Have you ever had someone wrong you and then ask you for a favor or want something from you? How quick were you to forget everything that happened and reach out? How quickly did you forgive?

We do God wrong every single day! We hurt Him when we disobey and when we sin, yet, He forgives us immediately, is there for us and loves us. Do you extend even a fraction of the Mercy and Grace God has given you?

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Are you Present?

It's a new day and as always, a great day to get into the Word! READ and/or LISTEN to today's mass readings and plant God's word deep in your heart!

I always struggle with the Mary and Martha readings. I totally identify with Martha and often feel like she is treated pretty harshly in some teachings and perspectives.

The more I read this section and the more I grow in my faith the more I am reminded of Ecclesiastes. There is a time for everything. There are times we must do busy work and serve for sure, but there are also times where we must put those things aside and simply be present.

When I had guests over I use to be very much like Martha. The problem was that I was distracting and making others around me uncomfortable because I couldn't just sit still. As people would finish eating, I was clearing. Once things were cleared I wanted to clean them and put them away. I needed a balance. I needed to be a good hostess and serve, but I needed to figure out a way to get comfortable without things being tidied up right away. I needed to consider the comfort of my guests and I needed to be more present with them.

If you find yourself anxious or worried, give it to Jesus so you can be present. He wants to take our cares and burdens from us, let him!

In this age of technology and the constant need for stimulation, we need to be extra mindful of being present with those around us. How often are you physically with one person, but texting or messaging with another? We need to be more mindful to give each other the attention that is deserved, especially when we are in each others presence.

Are you present with Jesus when He visits? When was the last time you truly sat down and had a conversation with him without doing a bunch of other things at the same time? Were you fully attentive and soaking up all He had for you to hear? I struggle with this a lot!

Work on being like Mary when you are in His presence. Give him all your cares and then all your attention!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Do you cross to the other side of the street?

Happy Monday! What better way to get the week started than in the Word of God. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings!

Today's Gospel shares the Parable of the Good Samaritan. First we are reminded

“You shall love the Lord, your God,
with all your heart,
with all your being,
with all your strength,
and with all your mind,
and your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus then tells us who our neighbor is by sharing the parable of the Good Samaritan. 

This parable is hard to listen to in the beginning. We see 2 men walk right past someone suffering, the first a priest and the second a Levite. When the Samaritan comes by we read he has compassion for the suffering man. He next helps dress and take care of the mans wounds, then he uses his own beast to give the man a ride to an inn where he can better be taken care of. The Samaritan didn't stop there! He paid the inn keeper to keep an eye on and take care of the man while he was gone promising to pay any additional costs when he returns. 

This is an amazing story of Mercy, Grace, Love and Compassion! Jesus is stretching our notion of who our neighbor it is to ALL people. In this story, it is easy to get frustrated with the priest and Levite who kept on walking, but how many times do we do that when we see someone suffering? I have literally walked to the opposite side of the street before the same way the priest did! I have done so out of fear. I have ignored people needing my help because I feared them or the area I was in. I feared what could stopping potentially cost me, but now I must ask, what will NOT stopping cost?

Jesus was specific in telling us the 3 people were a Priest, Levite and Samaritan. Why would a priest keep walking? Many of the religious leaders at the time were hypocritical and followed the letter of the law over the spirit of the law. The law would have prohibited the priest and Levite from helping because it would have made him unclean! Talk about legalism at it's worst! Rather than risk being unclean, the priest crosses the street. The Levite starts to go to the victim, but then continues on his way as well.

Samaritans were considered dirt. In this story, normally the Priest and Levite would have been considered heroes and the Samaritan the Bad guy, but Jesus flips the script. He shows that mercy and compassion win! He is showing us we need to not just offer prayer as we walk past, but we must stop and give actual help. 

I think about all those charities in third world countries. Yes, prayer is so important, but without sending funds, the real work can't happen. If basic needs aren't met, how can anyone truly know Jesus? If we want to share Jesus with others, we can't "just" be praying and talking about him, we must show who He is in our actions. We must take care of the sick and hurting. We must look at others with the eyes of Jesus, with compassion, mercy, love and grace! We must truly be Jesus hands and feet here on earth.