Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Healing Touch

Happy Tuesday! Make time to spend in The Word today. Start by READING and/or LISTENING to our mass readings.

Our Gospel today (Mark 5:21-43) is all about healing. Jesus heals, plain and simple. He heals those to seek him with an expectant faith.

The Gospel shows us Jesus miraculous healing power, and more specifically the healing of His touch. First we encounter Jarius, a synagogue official with a sick daughter. He begs Jesus to go to his home to lay hands on his daughter. Jarius knew that Jesus could heal her!

Then we see Jesus walking through the thick crowds and a woman who had been hemorrhaging for 12 years knew that if she could just get close enough to touch Jesus she would be healed! She fought her way through the crowds and was immediately healed upon touching Jesus clothes.

Jesus knew he had been touched because he could physically feel the power flowing out of him. He saw and felt this woman's complete and expectant faith.

Then, we go back to the synagogue official who gets word that his daughter has died and to not "bother" Jesus any longer. Jesus tells the official to not be afraid but have faith and then He went to the man's home.

Be honest here. How much faith would you have at this point? I would be hurt, disappointed and maybe even angry. I would have felt like Jesus didn't care. I was witnessing miraculous healing before my eyes but would have probably been swept up in my own sorrow and pity. I would have probably said, it's too late, forget about it!

Jarius, however, didn't lose faith or hope in Jesus and His power to heal. Jesus goes into the home, takes the child by the hand and tells her to arise! At His touch and Words she arose immediately.

Jesus gives hope to the hopeless. He can give us hope in the most dire situation. This hope is not of this world! It is a supernatural hope.

We must go to Jesus unhindered by fear and doubt and allow Him to heal. He will heal us! His healing may not be in the ways we expect or want, but we will ultimately be healed! Go to him with great expectation and anticipation of miracles. Get close enough to Him to feel His healing touch on your life!

Sunday, January 29, 2017

You are never too lost to be found

Let's get this week started right in The Word of God! READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today. 

Today’s Gospel (Mark 5:1-20) is amazing. We see so much happening in the story of a man who has a “legion” of unclean spirits in him. They cause him physical, emotional and spiritual pain. 

I love that when Jesus arrives, these unclean spirits see and know Jesus immediately. The unclean spirits recognize Him and His power. They fall prostrate at His feet! When was at the last time you truly recognized Jesus power? When was the last time you sought Jesus so earnestly that you fell prostrate on the ground before Him? 

The story takes a humorous twist (in my opinion). The unclean spirits beg to not be tortured and sent away. They look to cling to a body with life and ask to be allowed to go into the herd of swine nearby. 

Jesus is so many steps ahead and allows them to go into the pigs. Then, as if scripted in a movie, the pigs all go down a steep embankment and drown in the water below. 

Satan is out there and real. He prowls around the earth looking to devour souls. This man was driven away from the light and was roaming around the tombs.

Have you ever felt lost, not yourself, out of touch with Christ? He can transform even those that seem lost beyond hope! You are never so far gone that He can’t step in and make you clean again. 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Tiny Beginning

Dang these weeks are flying by already, I can't believe another Friday is upon us.  Take some time to READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 4:26-34) Jesus gives us a parable about a mustard seed. He compares a tiny little mustard seed to the Kingdom of God.

The mustard seed is wicked tiny, yet, when it is sown and allowed to grow, it grows into the "greatest of shrubs" with huge branches that birds can nest in.

So how is this like the Kingdom of God? God can take the smallest act of obedience and make it great. He can take a tiny ounce of faith and change the world with it.

We must sow seeds. We don't have to stress or worry about putting out something big and grand. We don't have to worry about making it grow, because we can't. We just have to share God. We must obey with a faithful and obedient heart. God can take that word or act we sow and transform it. He can transform us and transform the ears of those who hear.

That seed can't grow or do anything on it's own. We are the same way, we can't change our hearts or transform ourselves only God can do that.  Give Him your heart and watch what He can do with it!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Kindgom Math

It's a new day and another opportunity to spend a little time in The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings for today 😀

Our Gospel (Mark 4:21-25) is super short and hits on some super huge items! We are to be light and we are to share our light, not hide it! Everything will eventually be revealed by the light, nothing stays secret.

We need to pay attention because our time here on earth is short. We need to start listening, believing and following Christ. He is our Light that we must start reflecting into this dark, dark world.

We need to stop judging others, it is not our job! We must stop measuring others up against some standards that we create because we will be measured that way, yet even more so.  The more we judge, the more we will be judged.

We must give more kindness, compassion and mercy. The more of that we have, the more kindness, compassion and mercy will be given to us! The more we forgive and have forgiveness in our hearts, the more we will be forgiven.

Kingdom math isn't like any other kind of math in the world. Kingdom math can take little and multiply it. Anything we give to God, he can take and multiply it into anything! We give him the best we have and he turns it into something we could never dream. He took 11 Apostles to carry The Good News to the ends of the earth without internet or transportation. He took the heart and the hard work of those 11 and multiplied it to become His church!

Look at what Jesus did with some loaves of bread and fish? Seriously, that's the kind of Math I can get behind!

When you give God your weakness, he can take it and turn it into strength!

Go and be Christ's light in this dark world. Shed light in those areas that need it most. Stop judging others and start loving on them. Start living the Gospel with your life and not just reading it behind closed doors!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Are you sharing The Good News?

Let's thrive through this Wednesday instead of just trying to get over the hump! Start by READING and/or LISTENING to our mass readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 16:15-18) today, Jesus is sending His 11 out to proclaim the Gospel to every creature! In the Gospel of Mark these are His final words before His ascension. His Earthly ministry is ending and He is passing it on to His apostles to carry His message to the ends of the earth. He may be leaving them physically, but He is leaving them with the Holy Spirit.

This Great Commission is not just given to the apostles, but to you and I as well. We are to share the Good News with all people. We are to bring Christ everywhere we go! We don't have to stress out or worry what to say, Christ will speak through us if we put our faith, hope and trust in Him and allow Him to work through us.

I know I must do a better job of proclaiming the Gospel wherever I go, but I also must to a better job of living the Gospel so people can see it in and through me!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Relationships Matter

Take a moment this Tuesday and spend a little time in The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings for the day!

Today's Gospel (Mark 3:31-35) use to drive me nuts. It has always bothered me a little bit. I mean, here we see Jesus sitting amongst a crowd, and when He is told His mother and relatives are there to see him, he appears to dismiss them.

What I am growing and learning to discover is that Jesus wasn't diminishing who they were or His relationship with them, He was building us and our relationship up!

Think about the mother who has more than one child. She doesn't love one less in order to love the other more, right? In my brain, this is what Jesus is doing here. He is not minimizing His relationship with them, he is just showing an increased love for us. He is building us up, not tearing them down.

Jesus was showing that those who follow and do the will of God are His family. They are like His mother and brothers.

Relationships matter. Family is more than just flesh and blood. Jesus demonstrates this in our Gospel. Our faith is about relationships, first and foremost our relationship with God, Our Father. Through that relationship we learn love! God is the source of love and we want our relationships to be rooted in Him.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

A house divided...

Yup, it's Monday again! Don't let the weeks fly by without pausing to reflect. Be sure you are READING and/or LISTENING to The Word daily.

In our Gospel (Mark 3:22-30) we have a few major points being discussed, so be sure to READ the readings today, becuase I am only sharing a small thought.

I want to highlight a couple of lines. In them, Jesus is "defending" himself agains the scribes who were basically saying he must be of Satan if He is able to cast out demons. Part of Jesus reply is "If a Kingdom is divided against itself, that Kingdom cannot stand." He also says that "If a house is divided against itself, that house can not stand."

Let us look at that for a moment today. Look at the division in churches, look at the division in families and look at the division in our government over politics. We must find a way to unite or we will surely fall. When we are divided, we become weaker.

Where one alone may be overcome, two together can resist. A three-ply cord is not easily broken. ~ Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NABRE)

When we don't stand together, we can be overcome! It's time to get our act together and figure out a way to find common ground. We must place God back where He belongs and untie around Him!

Friday, January 20, 2017

The 12

Happy Friday! Be sure to round out this week in The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 3:13-19) today Jesus calls His 12 Apostles to be with Him and to go preach in His name. He gives them the power and authority to cast out demons and share God's Word!

This is such an awesome honor and responsibility! You would think Jesus would choose the best of the best for this task, right? Wrong! Jesus chooses 12 ordinary men with no extraordinary powers. Most were uneducated, with no special gifts or talents to speak of. They didn't come from prominent or wealthy families, they were just ordinary men who were willing to say yes!

When we doubt that we can do something we are called to, we need to look back to these 12. They literally changed the world. They literally brought the Gospel to the ends of the Earth and did so without the modern day conveniences we have. There were no phones or internet! There were no cars or planes! They weren't even given lots of money to help them get started! In fact, they were sent out 2 by 2 with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

If Jesus calls you to do something, he is going to equip you to be successful. He doesn't call the equipped, he equips the called!

The difference between these men and far to many others is their willingness to say yes and actually follow the call.

When Jesus calls, will you follow?

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Healing Power of Expectant Faith

Great day to you! READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings and spend a little time meditating and reflecting on them!

People flocked to Jesus for healing and to be near him. It's not like they could just hop in the car and drive to see him. They traveled by foot and pushed and squeezed through crowds to get close to him! I picture those scenes of rock stars walking through crowds and fans jumping, reaching and clawing over each other to get a glimpse or touch as the star walked by.

The people in today's Gospel (Mark 3:7-12) were so much more desperate to touch Jesus than the crowds at a rock concert. They were trying to be healed from lifelong illnesses, demon possession and life threatening disease. These crowds were so large and so desperate to touch him that he actually feared being crushed!

These crowds had such a strong and expectant faith they would be healed. If they didn't expect and believe they would be healed, they wouldn't go through the same lengths to get near Him.

When was the last time you approached Jesus with a strong and expectant faith? When was the last time you were so desperate to be near him that you pushed everything else in your life aside to be with him?

We don't have to travel ridiculous distances or fight crowds to get close to Jesus, yet we don't do it enough (if at all).  What is holding you back from reaching out. What is keeping you from believing with an expectant faith?

Go to Him, seek Him out!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Choose to do Good

Yup, it's "hump day." Let's get over the mid week hump with a little time with Jesus! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today.

In our Gospel (Mark 3:1-6) today we learn a little more about the Letter vs the Spirit of the Law.

As Jesus is in the synagogue he encounters a man with a withered hand. It is the Sabbath, and the law prohibits work from being done. The Pharisees are just watching and waiting to see if Jesus is going to heal the man so they could have him put to death for continuing to break the law.

Jesus continually tries to teach the Pharisees, but they are more interested in their laws and trying to have Jesus killed because he is threatening their way of life.

We know Jesus is going to heal this man. It is the right thing to do and it is what God would want to happen. He wants them to see that God would rather see someone healed than harmed! God wants good to be done, not evil. They are taking rest so literally that they miss the opportunity to show love, compassion and mercy. God would rather see those things than no "work" at all.

Have you seen a law or rule that seems so ridiculous that it is counter productive and intuitive. Keeping the Sabbath Holy and resting is important, but not when it means harm toward others.

Our First and Greatest Commandment is to Love God with all our heart! How can we say we love God if we ignore those in need just because it is the Sabbath? This is the point Jesus was trying desperately to make.

The Sabbath is important. We shouldn't constantly be on the go and never stop to rest our bodies, minds and spirit. We also shouldn't just "veg" out and do nothing as our rest. A day of rest is a time to honor and reflect on the love of God. It is a chance to get into His presence and have our souls restored.

When you are faced with situations you aren't sure how to handle or rules that seem not to make sense, look to God. Seek Him and His direction. Clearly He would want you to show His love, mercy and grace and not look the other way. Our rules are clear, Love God and Love your neighbor. If you are being asked to do something contrary to that, take a hard look at yourself and always choose God.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Intent of the Law

READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today to get your day started right!

In our Gospel (Mark 2:23-28), we see the Pharisees trying to trip Jesus up and complain about His disciples. The disciples were seen plucking heads of grain on the Sabbath and technically, according to the letter of the law at the time, they would have been in violation.

Jesus reminded them that and exception was made for David desperate time of extreme hunger when he ate bread in the priests presence on the Sabbath. This bread was not lawful for anyone but the priests to eat, yet it was given to David anyway.

Jesus tells them that "The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath. That is why the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath."

The Sabbath wasn't instituted to be an extra burden on the people, it was a way to make them rest and honor, remember and celebrate God and His goodness. The Sabbath was created to give us pause for rest and reflection. Jesus reminds the Pharisees of this and reminds them that human needs (real hunger) take precedence over the custom and social norms of the day.

Jesus is showing us and reminding us that we must look at the spirit and intent of the law, not just the letter of it in some situations. Allowing someone to suffer by not letting them pick food to eat just because it is the Sabbath is NOT a way to honor, remember and celebrate God.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Old School vs New School

Happy Monday! I don't know about you, but I am so thankful for a fresh start anytime we need it! If you need one, take advantage of the new day and new week! If you need a fresh start, take the gift that Christ so freely gives.

Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today.

Our Gospel today (Mark 2:18-22) starts off talking about fasting and then moves into new and old ways.

There is a time for everything, right? There is an entire section of Ecclesiastes dedicated to that thought. There is even a song that was created out of those lines in scripture.

Fasting was (and is) an important religious practice, and the disciples of John and the Pharisees went to Jesus to kind of tattle on His disciples for not fasting. They brought their objection to Jesus and wanted to know why His disciples weren't fasting as well.

Jesus pointed out that there is a time for fasting and a time for celebrating. He gave an example of a wedding. You celebrate while the bride and groom are still there. There is a time and a place for fasting, but while you are in Jesus presence isn't one of them. There would be time to fast when Jesus was gone, but while He was in their midst, they should be celebrating.

This was a hard concept to hear and understand. This is introducing a whole new way of thinking and looking at the law and the customs of their religion.

This passage always makes me think of the changing of music at Mass, or when churches make things more contemporary. Some change can be good and is necessary, but to a point. Fasting isn't totally forgotten and discouraged, but there is a time and place for it.

Jesus uses the analogy of putting new wine in old skins. When this happens, the skin will break. He isn't  suggesting that the old is wrong or bad, He is letting us know that there is a time for the old as well as the new!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

An Active and Expectant Faith

I can't believe it's another Friday. Be sure you end this week right by getting into The Word and READ and/or LISTEN to the mass readings for today.

Our Gospel (Mark 2:1-12) today continues to show us about expectant faith! We read about 4 friends who are looking to get their paralyzed friend to Jesus because they know Jesus can heal him. They are unable to get close to Him so they go up on the roof, cut a hole and lower the man down!

For real, how awesome are these guys! I know I want friends like that. Friends who are willing to do anything to bring me to Jesus so I can be healed. Friends who don't care what others may think of them and who will stop at nothing to help me.

Scripture tells us that when Jesus "saw" their faith he told the man that his sins were forgiven. They didn't just wait around for Jesus, they went to Him! We must have an expectant faith and we must Go to The Father!

I know we should really talk more about Jesus forgiving the man of His sins and then healing him physically, but in this moment, I can't get over the faith of this group of friends, so that is where I will sit for today.

I am going to continue to find friends like these 4, but more importantly, I am going to be a friend like them. I will stop at nothing to bring the ones I love to Jesus! I will do everything with an expectant and unwavering faith!

The great part about the Gospel is that it is living and breathing. It speaks to us where we are and what we need to hear if we allow it to.

Who's eyes do you see the world through?

READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings today.

There are two very remarkable things that happen in today's Gospel (Mark 1:40-45) that we can learn from and take away immediately.

A leper approaches Jesus and says to Jesus if you will you can make me clean. The leper knows that Jesus can heal him. Against all of societal norms and rules, this leper still approaches Jesus.

The leper went to Jesus with a strong and expectant faith. He knew that Jesus could and would heal him if he just brought his ailment to Him.

Bring your cares, concerns and struggles to Jesus with an expectant faith!

Next, we learn from Jesus. It was completely unheard of for anyone to touch a leper. They were outcast by their society and medically it would've been considered dangerous. Jesus goes against the ways of the world and shows compassion, love, and mercy on the man who approaches him. Jesus touches this man. We sometimes forget the importance of physical touch. This is another way to show true care and love.

How do you treat that beggar on the street? Do you look them in the eye with love and compassion? Or do you hurry past and pretend you don't see and hear them?

How do you treat that annoying coworker or neighbor you don't really like? Are you kind? 

We must stop looking at others with the eyes of the world, and start looking at them with the eyes of Jesus.

I am not even suggesting that we go out of our way for those that we don't particularly like, however, when we see them in need, or when we know they can use an extra hand, or a kind word or gesture, follow Jesus example. He didn't go seeking the leper out, but when the leper came to Him He showed His love, His kindness, His compassion and His mercy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Expectant Pursuit

Let's get over this Wednesday "hump" by getting into The Word. Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings for today.

Jesus heals, plain and simple! In our Gospel (Mark 1:29-39) Jesus enters the home of Simon and Andrew. The told Jesus of Simon's sick mother in law and He heals her. Later in the evening they bring all those who are sick to Jesus because they know He can heal!

Jesus tries to get away early in the morning to pray, and they continue to "pursue" him! Did Jesus turn them away? Heck no, he goes with them and they continue on to the next village to preach since that was his purpose.

He continued to preach, heal the sick and drive out demons!

Do you pursue Jesus? Do you keep pursuing Him even when you feel like you don't know where He is? He is here to heal! Bring Him your cares, worries, stress, anxieties and ailments! Pursue Him with an expectant heart.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Knowing is not enough!

Great morning to you (or afternoon or evening 😉)! I pray you are well and ready to dig into The Word! READ and/or LISTEN to our mass readings today.

Our Gospel is from Mark 1:21-28, and there is A LOT packed into these few verses.

There is so much in here we can unpack and talk about, but I want to focus on one small, but very significant point.

I am completely struck that when a man with an unclean spirit in him came to Jesus, the spirit called out and expressed it knew who Jesus was and ultimately that Jesus had power over it!

In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; he cried out, "What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are-the Holy One of God!" ~ Mark 1:23-24

I think this is so important and something so many people miss in their faith. It isn't enough for us to know who Jesus is. Evil Spirits know and believe Jesus is the Holy One of God! We must follow Him, we must put our faith, hope and trust in Him. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life! He is the only way to God (John 14:16).

His Words are spoken and given to us with the power and authority of God. We must listen to Him. we must humbly submit to Him! We must start doing more than just knowing who He is and give our lives fully and completely to Him.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Seek and Submit

It's another new week! Let's start it right in The Word. READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass readings for today

We discussed the baptism of Jesus by John last week. Our Gospel today is from Matthew 3:13-17.

In this gospel, Jesus goes to John for the purpose of being baptized, but John protested. God revealed to John who Jesus really was and John knows it should be Jesus baptizing him!

Jesus insisted because he had to fulfill the prophesies and had to follow His Father's will. Jesus is the perfect example of how to live and how to love. He Shows His love of the Father by humbly submitting to His will.

We can only know true joy and peace when we submit fully to what God has for us.  When we try to do anything against His will and His timing, it just doesn't work out well. Seek His Will and then humbly submit to it!

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Humble Submission

READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for the day to close out the week right and head into the weekend strong!

In our Gospel (Mark 6:45-52), Jesus gets baptized by John the Baptist. John's baptism was all about the forgiveness of sins, yet Jesus is without sin, so what's the deal?

When Jesus comes up out of the water, the heavens IMMEDIATELY open, the Spirit descends on him like a dove, and a voice from heaven says "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased."

Jesus fully submits to God's will from the very beginning of His ministry until the end! He doesn't necessairly have all the answers or reasons for what God has planned or why, but he follows anyway. He is the model we are to follow in ALL things.

Jesus shows total and complete humility by being cleansed of sins he never committed and then taking our sins on the cross!

Do you want change in your life? Humble yourself before God and start submitting to Him and His Will and His plans for you.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Show Me

Happy Day! Start it off right in The Word! READ and/or LISTEN to our readings today!

Have you ever tried to tell someone about Jesus, or has someone ever tried to talk to you about Him, but the recipient of this message was VERY skeptical. Seriously, He seems too good to be true, and how do we really know that He is the Messiah, right?

This is what was happening in our Gospel today (John 1:43-51). Jesus calls Phillip to follow Him and Phillip runs to his buddy, Nathaniel and tells him that they found the one Moses and the prophets spoke about and that he is from Nazareth.

Nathaniel looks down on Nazareth and asks "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"

Phillip invites Nathaniel to "come and see" for himself! Nathaniel wasn't ready to believe. Nathaniel's eyes had not yet been open. He went with Phillip anyway to see for himself. On the way Jesus saw him coming and spoke to him. Jesus tells Nathaniel that He saw Him under the fig tree earlier and suddenly Nathaniel knew and believed Jesus was and is the Son of God.

Phillip knew it wasn't worth arguing, Nathaniel needed to see for himself.

We need to show people Jesus in our actions and behaviors. People believe what they see, not what they hear.

Don't just tell people about Jesus, invite them to see Him for themselves.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Come and See

Well, it's Wednesday...ya know that "hump day" in the week. We are going to thrive through it, however, and we will do it with The Word of God! Be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today.

Our Gospel today is John 1:35-42

Jesus is the Lamb of God. Jesus came to be sacrificed for our sins! He was perfect, blameless, yet He took on all the sins of the world. John, understood about sacrifices since his father was a priest. He knew what calling Jesus the Lamb of God meant.

John pointed out "The Lamb of God" to 2 of his disciples. John continues to make sure he is pointing others to Jesus and not keeping his followers to himself. He is there to pave the way for The Way!

Jesus invited John's disciples to "come and see." Jesus wants to reveal himself to you. He wants you to know who he really is, and to have a relationship with you. Jesus is not some far off, high in the sky, idea. He is real and He is present, you just need to see Him.

Once you find Him, don't keep Him to yourself! Bring other to meet and know Him too!

If you are struggling to see him, cry out. If you don't feel His presence, keep seeking Him, He is there! He will reveal himself to you through faith. Continue to ask for Him to increase your faith.

Monday, January 2, 2017


Hope your year got kicked off right! Be sure to keep it going and READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings today.

Our Gospel is found in John 1:29-36. The beginning of this scripture gives me chills when I read it.
It takes me to that place in Mass where the priest holds up the host and recites "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him who takes away the sins of the world, blessed are those called to the super of the Lamb."

Jesus was the perfect sacrifice for our sins. We are blessed to be invited to eat at His table!

As Jesus was getting ready to begin His public ministry, John was already calling Him the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. John was already eluding to Jesus mission as a sacrifice for us.

We learn in this Gospel that John didn't know who God had him paving the way for. He didn't know until God revealed it to him.  He knew who Jesus was, shoot, they were cousins, but John didn't really "know" who He was.

We have been blessed with the gift of the Holy Spirit and with faith. We must listen to the Spirit and allow it to reveal Jesus to us. We must see Jesus and recognize His presence in our lives. Every day I pray that my faith will be increased. I never want to question or doubt Jesus and His hand on my life.

Continue to seek Him and you will find Him!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

He is right here

What better way to kick of 2017 and the first Monday of the year than in The Word! READ and/or LISTEN to our reading for today!

Our Gospel (John 1:19-28) is the testimony John the Baptist is giving to the priests and levites sent by the Jews who wanted to know who he was.

He told them he was not Christ or Elijah or even a prophet, but that he was simply the "voice crying out in the desert 'make straight the way of the Lord' that Isaiah had spoken about.

John tells them that they don't even recognize Christ right in their midst! He was only baptizing with water, but Christ would come after him.

How often do we totally miss Jesus among us? How often to we miss him in our midst? Sadly, I saw this in churches all the time. People would become so wowed and caught up in their pastor that they were holding on to his words more than His Words! The pastor was suppose to be showing the way to Jesus, not taking His place. Please don't misunderstand, I am not suggesting this is what the pastors intended, just like John did not intended for people to be thinking he was the messiah.

We must stay in tune to the Spirit. We must stop missing His presence and start looking to Him to lead and guide us. He is The Way, The Truth and The Life, no one else!

The more we see and recognize Him, the more we can start showing Him to others!