Friday, September 9, 2016

"You've Got Something in Your Eye"

I can't believe we are already into the think of September! Today, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our Mass Readings.

Ouch! Today's Gospel hits me right between the eyes! How clouded is our vision and judgement when it comes to ourselves? I am either way to critical and see faults and flaws that aren't there, or I don't see any at all!

I can be so quick to judge, especially when I don't see the full picture or know the full story! I so easily want to tell someone what they should be doing, how they should be acting or thinking, yet I never look at myself.

Can the blind lead the blind? If we aren't aware of our own struggles and pitfalls, can we truly help someone else navigate through theirs?

How quick are you to point out the flaws and missteps of others, yet don't see your own shortcomings? The image Jesus uses about noticing a splinter in someone else's eye, yet not noticing the plank in our own hit me hard.

We totally judge each other for small things yet turn around and do bigger things. I see this all the time with parenting and children. I have seen mom's so quick to judge a parent when their child curses, yet they don't even think twice about drinking in front of their kids, or gossiping and speaking ill of others in front of their kids.

We need to stop looking to and pointing out the flaws of others and we need to spend a little more time working on ourselves!

We need to humble ourselves before God and we need to continually ask him to create a clean and pure heart inside us daily!

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