Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Life Lessons I Gained Through Competative Sports

Growing up there was hardly a point in time that I can remember sports not being a part of my life. I believe sports are so crucial to growth and development. We know the typical “discipline, teamwork and fair play” lessons we should gain through sports, but if you didn’t learn the following, you did it all wrong! 

  1. Not Everyone Wins
  2. Things aren’t always fair
  3. Anything can happen on any given day
  4. Preparation is important (Mental is as important, if not more so, than physical)
  5. Potential by itself get you nowhere
  6. Talent will only take you so far
  7. You need to have a clear vision
  8. Goal setting
  9. You can’t win on your own (even in individual sports you still have coaches and a support group of family and friends)
  10. You don’t have to be friends with everyone, but you do have to work together
  11. Never underestimate anyone
  12. Losing hurts, but if you learn from it you will build character
  13. You may not always care for, or even respect, your coach, but you MUST respect their position of authority
  14. The whole team is greater than the sum of it’s individual
  15. Confidence
  16. Results don’t happen over night
  17. Anything worthwhile is worth the effort
  18. It isn’t over until it’s over. Always push and keep working until the end
  19. You are stronger than you think
  20. Your biggest competitor may just become your best friend
  21. Winning isn’t everything, it isn’t the only thing, but is certainly an important goal. Winning also isn’t always defined by a number or score, it could be more than that!
  22. The relationships you make along the way are invaluable
  23. You must respect the game, the rules, and those involved in it
  24. You must to have fun and enjoy what you are doing
  25. You need to teach and pass on what you know because you won’t be able to play forever

Clearly this is not an exhaustive list of the life lessons gained through sports and competition! I would love for you to share this and “tag” you teammates or those that taught you these lessons and share which lesson was most important to you! What lessons would you have added!

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