Monday, September 12, 2016


Before we jump into discussion and my reflection thoughts, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to our readings for today!

This Gospel has come to be so special to me since I had begun the process of converting to Catholicism. Every Mass, prior to the Eucharist we speak aloud together "Lord, though I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, only say the word and my soul shall be healed."

It's funny, because those words, from the very first time I spoke them were special and felt familiar, but I didn't connect them right away to this Gospel!

Today we read about the incredible faith of the Centurion.   In this story we see the humility of the Centurion when he sends others out to bring his message to Jesus. It is not that he is lazy, or using his authority, he does so because he does not see himself worthy to be in Jesus presence. He considered himself unworthy to even go to Jesus with his request! He also shows incredible humility in seeking Jesus out at all becuase a Roman in his position would NEVER seek the help of a Jew from Galilee!

The centurion in the story showed bold humility and faith with his request. He confidently went to Jesus because he understood authority and he fully believed in Jesus power and authority. Jesus saw the heart of this man. He saw his love and devotion to his slave (which was not typical of the way slaves were treated in his day), he saw tremendous humility and unmatched, unwavering faith!

When we speak those beautiful words at Mass, I am reminded that, although, we are not worthy we can go to The Father! I am reminded that we can bring any request to Him and He has the power and authority to answer us.

We don't have to send others to bring our requests to God, but we sure can join with others in our requests and find added strength.

The Centurion risked being mocked for caring for his slave and by going to a Jew to help him, but he did it anyway! Are you ready to step out and do and ask things others may make fun of? Are you ready to humble yourself and go to Jesus with unwavering and expectant faith? We may not be worthy, but he wants us to go to Him with our requests! We may not be worthy, but he is going to meet us right where we are every single time!

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