Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Part of the Family

Let's get the day started right by READING and/or LISTENING to today's readings!

Today's Gospel is very hard for me and I am not afraid to admit that I have struggled with it at times. I think I struggle because it almost feels like Jesus is diminishing the family relationship, and it seems like he is not keeping His mother in her proper place of honor. I know this is NOT what is going on, but at first glance and to someone who wants to take and twist the Word, this Gospel seems like the perfect opportunity.

My bible points us to Luke 11:27-28 which reads "While he was speaking, a woman from the crowd called out and said to him, "Blessed is the womb that carried you and the breasts at which you nursed." He replied, "Rather, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it."

In this Luke 11 passage, it almost looks as though Jesus is diminishing His mother's role again, but again, He is not.

This reminds me so much of children when a new baby enters the family. They erroneously think and believe that in order for their parents to love the baby, it means they have to love them less. It is like there is only so much love to go around and in order to love one, the other must suffer. This is absurd when we think about it this way, so why do we struggle when looking at Jesus example in scripture.

Jesus is NOT putting his family in a lower place, he is simply elevating the non blood relationships. He is saying other relationships are as important as blood and legal relationships.

We learn that Jesus family is not bound by blood but is all those who hear and believe the Word of God. This should not be troubling but music to our ears! Jesus sees me as His family!

Although, this Gospel is short, we learn a lot of the importance of our relationship with God. We are part of Jesus family when we believe. We are elevated to a place of honor and become part of the family! We become sons and daughters of the King!

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