Friday, September 23, 2016

"Who do you say I am?"

Happy Friday! In order to wind down your week the right way, be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings.

I absolutely LOVE when we read that Jesus was praying in solitude. It is such a strong reminder that we ALL need to spend time individually with God! It is a great reminder that we ALL need to be filled up with God before we can do or be anything to anyone else.

When he is done praying he asks the disciples "Who do the crowds say I am." Then, he follows up with the important question "But who do you say I am?"

Who do you say Jesus is? Even non Christians don't dispute that Jesus existed. Most religions recognize him as a great Prophet, or at least recognize that historically he was a man. Where we differ is that we believe He is the Son of God and that he defied death!

Who is Jesus to you in your life? Do you believe He is the Son of God? Do you believe that He trampled death and was sent to save us from our sin? If you believe these things in your heart, do you profess them with your mouth? If you believe these things, do you live like you do? Do you put your trust in Him? Do you lean on him for strength? Do you run to him for comfort and protection? Do you seek Him when you are hurting or anxious? Are you obedient to Him and listen to what He has to say to you?

Who do you believe he is? Who do you say he is? Do your actions match your thoughts and words about Jesus?

After Peter answers that Jesus is the "Christ of God," Jesus reveals what will have to happen to him. He tells them that He will suffer, be rejected, killed and be raised from the dead on the third day.

This must have been unbelievable. They are finally realizing that He is the Messiah, surely he wouldn't have to suffer, be rejected and killed! My guess is they never even hear the last part about being raised from the dead! I know my brain would have been confused and numb by that point.

Jesus knows full well they don't totally grasp this, but He must start preparing them for what is to come so they can share the Good New at the right time. I think He is also working to prepare them because they are His friends and He loves them. I know if something bad were going to happen to me, I would want to warn those I care about and start to prepare them for it!

As you go into the weekend, really think about who Jesus is to you. What does that mean in your life? Are you living out what you think and say about Him?

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