Monday, September 19, 2016

Let that Light Shine

Happy Monday (well, it's Monday if you are reading this when it was written :-) )! Be sure to spend some time in God's word by READING and/or LISTENING to the Mass Readings for today.

Today we have another very short and very powerful Gospel. Jesus gives us the parable of the Lamp. He is telling us that if we light a lamp, it does no good to then cover it up or hide it, that would defeat the entire purpose of lighting it, right? When you light a lamp, you want to put it where it can be seen and give off the most light.

When it is light and bright, we have no where to hide. Whatever we are doing can be seen. If we are not doing the right things, it will be clear to anyone around because the light will let them see it.

This light is how we must respond to God's word. When we hear it and accept it, we must not conceal it. When we have God's word living inside us, we must become a light for others. We shouldn't even have to say a Word for people to see this light. It should shine through in our actions and in the way we love. Don't use that last sentence as an excuse not to verbally and vocally share God with others, but people follow our actions a whole long more than our words. We just need to be making sure our words and actions align with each other!

The last verse of today's Gospel almost seems out of place and was really bugging me this morning. I think what it is telling us that the more we share light, the more light will be shed on us. The more we love, the more love we will be given. It can sound scary living in the light and having everything about us be revealed, but man can it be the most exciting and freeing place in the world to be!

Just so, your light must shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly father. 
Matthew 5:16

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