Monday, September 5, 2016

Is the Law Always Right?

It's that time...time to sit down and READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings!

The scribes and Pharisees are at it again in today's Gospel reading. They are continually trying to catch Jesus doing something wrong or breaking the law so they can take him down!

The law called for the people to do no work at all on the Sabbath and to keep that day holy and set apart for God. It seems like just about anything and everything was considered work!

When Jesus was faced with a man who had a very deformed hand, he had to decide to break the law or heal the man. Jesus, the ultimate teacher didn't just act, he explained his actions very clearly!

“I ask you, is it lawful to do good on the sabbath
rather than to do evil,
to save life rather than to destroy it?” 

Throughout the Gospels we see Jesus challenging the law over and over again. He is not suggesting that the law is not good or right, but that sometimes it isn't cut and dry. If you aren't following the spirit and intent of the law, you are missing out. 

The Sabbath is a day to rest, but most importantly, to rest in God. It is less about not doing anything and more about actively being in God's presence. The Sabbath is to be set aside and given to God. It is a way to show honor to God and to thank and reflect Him for his creation. 

With that understanding, it doesn't negate that we are to still love our neighbor, honor our mother and father, and follow the other commandments, right? 

If Jesus was to leave the man because He wasn't allowed to heal on the Sabbath, how is that honoring God and keeping His day Holy? If Jesus turned his back on a sick person, how would that be showing God's love? 

On the Sabbath we should not do unnecessary work or anything that distracts us from worshiping and honoring God and it doesn't mean mean shouldn't be doing good and sharing God's love!

As we are faced with decisions that may not seem clear cut, we need to really look a the heart of the matter! We need to really look and see if what we are doing or not doing is in line with God's will. There will be times we are faced with decisions that may go agains a law or rule, but we must carefully weigh the consequences of doing or not doing an act and be sure we are in listening to God with our eyes, ears and heart! 

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