Thursday, September 29, 2016

He Sees

I am home from an incredible week away and ready to get back into my routine. Fortunately I was able to be sure I was in the Word while I was away. Be sure you get in the readings for today by either READING and/or LISTENING to them!

In our Gospel today we see Nathaniel meeting Jesus in person for the first time. Jesus speaks to him and about him and Nathaniel is amazed and a little confused. "How do you know me?"

If I had just met someone for the first time and they spoke to me as though they knew me, I would want to know too! Granted, in this day of social media, people can appear to know each other and have a better idea about each other, but Jesus really knew Nathaniel, who he was and what he was about!

Jesus answers him "Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree."

This response might seem meaningless to you or I, but this was Jesus revealing himself to Nathaniel. When Jesus says this, Nathaniel's eyes are opened and he sees Jesus for who He is! In that instant He knows Jesus is the son of God.

It is so cool that Jesus reveals himself to us in different ways. How I come to know Him is different than how you might. Where and how I see Him is different to me than it is to others!

There is scriptural and historical significance of the fig tree and history tells us that it would have been a place that Nathaniel may have been praying and reflecting and it was seen as a place of God's peace and blessings.

Jesus asks Nathaniel "Do you believe because I saw you under the fig tree?" Then He tells Nathaniel that he will see far greater things that this!

Jesus sees you and I the way He saw Nathaniel. He sees straight into our hearts. He knows everything about us! Through Nathaniel's faith, Jesus gives him the promise that He will see and know God!

I find comfort in knowing that I can't hide from God. I love that no matter what I am doing, he continues to pursue me and want a relationship with me. He wants to literally give us life if we are willing to accept it!

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