Thursday, September 8, 2016

Your Past Does Not Dictate Your Future

READ and/or LISTEN to the readings for today and let's dive in!

Our Gospel today starts with the genealogy of Jesus. This is something I would always skim or skip because it was "just a bunch of names" that I couldn't pronounce and didn't need to read. As I got older and I started learning and reading more of my bible, I started to slow down and look at those names!

Jesus didn't come from a great line of upstanding citizens. He didn't come from some special pedigree with no ghosts in the family closet. His genealogy is messy and complicated! Yes, there is more to the way the genealogy is written and the 3 stages of history it is broken down in, but if you want to read more on that, I am not your girl!

I love looking at the genealogy and being able to say that our past does not have to dictate our future. Too many people use their past, or their families to hold them back and not pursue great things. People allow their past to dictate who they are instead of making a change and moving forward.

We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. ~ Romans 8:28

God can take the messes and the trials of this life and turn them to good! He can use our past to make us stronger, not hold us back if we allow him to! Listen to His call, follow His lead, don't allow your past to dictate your future!

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