Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Showing love shows real strength

There is nothing better than kicking off your day with the Word of God. If you don't do this first thing in the morning, it is still the most important part of your day, so be sure to READ and/or LISTEN to today's readings.

In our Gospel reading, Jesus and his "crew" are heading to Jerusalem. This passage opens indicating that Jesus earthly ministry is nearly done. During their travels they must go through a Samaratin village. This doens't sound like a big deal to us on the surface, but the Jews and Samaratins did not get along and those traveling through were not treated well.

We see James and John asking Jesus if He wants them to basically destroy the village cause they weren't being well and because these two groups didn't get along or like each other.

Do we sometimes find ourselves wishing bad things on those who don't like us? Do we sometimes want to cause harm to others who don't like us?

Jesus rebuked James and John and then they moved on. We need to follow this example, especially in our world today. We are fighting and arguing with those not like us, we are not looking at individuals and their heart and we are lumping people into large groups and disliking them because society tells us we should.

It's time that we stand up and be strong the way Jesus demonstrates. It's easy to want to fight and wage war against our enemy, but it is difficult to love! It is time we start showing more love to each other.

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