As the disciples are traveling with Jesus on of them said "I will follow you wherever you go."
Sounds like such a simple declaration, right? Have you ever said somemthing like that before to someone? Maybe it was a spouse or a great leader or boss. Who wouldn't want to follow Jesus, right? Well, it's not so simple! We know that He is The Way, the Truth and the Life and the only way to God, but it is more complicated.
Jesus doesn't say "nope, you couldn't handle this life." He tells them "Foxes are dens and birds of the sky have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to rest his head."
Then Jesus, turns to another and says "follow me." The response he got is one that I think many of us would say. I bet what we say sounds a lot like this to his hears "I totally will, but first I have a bunch of other things to take care of. I swear though, you are the most important thing and person in my life, but first I have to go do....x, y, z."
In this Gospel, Jesus is teaching them a bit of the cost of being a disciple. If we want to truly follow Him we must do it with our whole mind, body and heart. We must move forward and not look back. He must take priority over everything else in our life. This is so much easier to say than do.
I pray that if Jesus showed up at my door and told me to follow Him that I would drop everything and go, however, I know I would want to "wrap things up" at home. I would want to say good bye to people and let people know where I am going. That is the earthly part of me wanting to do those things. We must be looking heavenward and looking to The Kingdom and not stopping for things of the world.
What relationships and "things" of this world are getting in the way of your relationship with Christ? What is stopping you from following Him?
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